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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by jow1099 View Post
    Hello all, I wasn't sure where to post about this issue but here goes. So when I first started using the Transformers E20 ruleset I was excited about the potential. As we were going through character creation though I ran into a lot of issues with the "alt mode" button on the main tab of the character sheet and the ability to edit the name of the created alt mode in the combat tracker. For some reason now anytime I switch the Mode out it throws and error
    Attachment 61166
    I've also had issues with changing the name of the alt mode in the combat tracker suffice to say I was able to edit it before but now I can't change anything on the name field in the combat tracker or on the alt mode popup window.
    Attachment 61167
    Attachment 61168

    Please help. thank you!

    forgot to add that I've tried deleting the Corerpg ruleset and redownloading it multiple times and nothing changes.
    It was definitely related to some of the changes we've been making to icons and tabs.
    I've already found it and updated the sheet and it appears to be working properly. I'll bring this up right away and we'll get a pushed fixed out to you and other players ASAP. Thanks for bringing this up.

    On the note about not being able to change names in the Combat Tracker. This is because we don't let Player Character sheets have their name changed in the Combat Tracker. And the altmode mini sheets are different, but still counted as players. I retested it just to make sure, but changing the name on the altmode sheet itself will change the Combat Tracker name, and you don't have to close/re-open to do it. It'll update as you make the changes.
    "If you love it, mod it."
    Ruleset Developer

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarkonian View Post
    It was definitely related to some of the changes we've been making to icons and tabs.
    I've already found it and updated the sheet and it appears to be working properly. I'll bring this up right away and we'll get a pushed fixed out to you and other players ASAP. Thanks for bringing this up.

    On the note about not being able to change names in the Combat Tracker. This is because we don't let Player Character sheets have their name changed in the Combat Tracker. And the altmode mini sheets are different, but still counted as players. I retested it just to make sure, but changing the name on the altmode sheet itself will change the Combat Tracker name, and you don't have to close/re-open to do it. It'll update as you make the changes.
    Awesome! Thanks so much for getting back to me on this I'll look forward to the fix/update and see If I can get it working!

    Update: just verified it's working! Thanks again! I love the alt mode feature it's fantastic! Would like to see something similar for 5E druids or other shapeshifter classes!
    Last edited by jow1099; Yesterday at 05:02.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by jow1099 View Post
    Awesome! Thanks so much for getting back to me on this I'll look forward to the fix/update and see If I can get it working!

    Update: just verified it's working! Thanks again! I love the alt mode feature it's fantastic! Would like to see something similar for 5E druids or other shapeshifter classes!
    Thank you. I love to hear that!
    I got permission to try something new out with Transformers/GI JOE ruleset and I created some different features like the transforming and attack prompts.
    We learned a lot from this ruleset and I'm looking to take what we learned (with the feedback from everyone playing it) and making bigger changes like that in the future. But that will take time.
    "If you love it, mod it."
    Ruleset Developer

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