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  1. #381
    Generic Actions Layer - V1.28 - Features - added new "GA GMOnly" layer which is tied to the "GA" layer in terms of when its cleaned up. It will be used when graphics is tied to both a source and a target and one of them is invisible. This allows the GM to always see all graphic "attacks" etc. but a client will only see it when both its source and target are visible. Effects are not in play here as they were already handled since they only apply to one token and its either visible or not on a client map (if not then the effect GMOnly layer will be in play already).

    Gist is users don't need to know anything about it - its just the new behavior on how it handles invisible source or target (when both in play) for graphics placement. Essentially will be GMonly visible for those. For now I'm not worrying about if you own the "invisible" thing as a client - only the GM will see the graphics. There is no map layer display option for individual clients after all.
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  2. #382
    Got a weird bug with just this extension loaded. Weapon attack rolls can't be dragged from a PC sheet. Let me know if you want more info.


  3. #383
    Quote Originally Posted by charmov View Post
    Got a weird bug with just this extension loaded. Weapon attack rolls can't be dragged from a PC sheet. Let me know if you want more info.

    Generic Actions - V1.59 - Bug - weapon dice drag would not appear - not sure why. Removed super call and replaced with direct call. Fixed.

    I'm baffled why the super calls for this no longer work - but am just going to directly call the window calls and let the dice fall where they may.

    This update will be soon on the FG Forge. Find it and our other extensions here:
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  4. #384
    Wow that was pretty fast! You're great. Thanks!

  5. #385
    Quote Originally Posted by charmov View Post
    Wow that was pretty fast! You're great. Thanks!
    Likely GP will not deliver it to Forge till Monday. Just FYI.
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  6. #386
    I have a question about how force an individual character to forego the DIS for ranged attacks when a hostile creature is within 5ft. when using generic actions, what do you do if one player in your game can ignore the disadvantage? like for example crossbow expert feat. Maybe there is an effect or perhaps your extension is looking for that specific feat? The player in question is using homebrewed abilities so he does not actually have the specific feat "crossbow expert". I cant seem to figure out a hands-off way to make this archer/ monk be able to use his bow to fire in melee while he also attacks with hands and feet.

  7. #387

    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    the seaside, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by jonesdaadi View Post
    I have a question about how force an individual character to forego the DIS for ranged attacks when a hostile creature is within 5ft. when using generic actions, what do you do if one player in your game can ignore the disadvantage? like for example crossbow expert feat. Maybe there is an effect or perhaps your extension is looking for that specific feat? The player in question is using homebrewed abilities so he does not actually have the specific feat "crossbow expert". I cant seem to figure out a hands-off way to make this archer/ monk be able to use his bow to fire in melee while he also attacks with hands and feet.

    if your player hit's the ADV button on the desktop modifies pop-out, it will cancel out the DISADV for that attack. You could even have them drag ADV from the Effects panel to their hotbar, for ease of use.

    Hope this helps.



    p.s. if the ADV/DISADV buttons aren't stock 5e (i can't remember), it is available via the 5e Modifiers Extension, which I use:

  8. #388
    Quote Originally Posted by jonesdaadi View Post
    I have a question about how force an individual character to forego the DIS for ranged attacks when a hostile creature is within 5ft. when using generic actions, what do you do if one player in your game can ignore the disadvantage? like for example crossbow expert feat. Maybe there is an effect or perhaps your extension is looking for that specific feat? The player in question is using homebrewed abilities so he does not actually have the specific feat "crossbow expert". I cant seem to figure out a hands-off way to make this archer/ monk be able to use his bow to fire in melee while he also attacks with hands and feet.
    if sFaction ~= sSourceFaction and not bIncapacitated and not hasFeat(nodeSource, "Crossbow Expert") and not EffectManager.hasEffect(rActor, "NOTARGETING") then

    If you are talking about something other than crossbow expert for ranged then its not taken into account.
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  9. #389
    Thank you SilentRuin this answers my question and i can see a couple paths forward. One small follow up question: is the extension only looking for the feat's existence on the character sheet and its name? For instance, if i added a blank feat to his sheet named Crossbow Expert would that work?

    Ludd G thanks for the workaround, we use it. The problem is my players forget.

  10. #390
    Quote Originally Posted by jonesdaadi View Post
    Thank you SilentRuin this answers my question and i can see a couple paths forward. One small follow up question: is the extension only looking for the feat's existence on the character sheet and its name? For instance, if i added a blank feat to his sheet named Crossbow Expert would that work?

    Ludd G thanks for the workaround, we use it. The problem is my players forget.
    I believe as long as the abilities list has the feat listed your good - but not really positive as I'm getting it from the "featlist" in the database node entry - whereever that is.
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