Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1121
    Morenu's Avatar
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    Yes, the 1 time random value on the application of the effect to the NPC is what I am looking for. So the AC: [1d4-1] gets applied to the NPC, and when applied a 3 is rolled (-1) so they get an AC: 2 effect applied to the CT.

    If multiple NPCs are targeted at the same time with AC: [1d4-1], they would all get the same value correct? if so, is there a way to have it roll for each targeted NPC?

    I ask because there is an extension that lets me set an effect to target groups (all, enemies, allies...) and that would be a fast way to let my DM randomize a buff effect that is random for the entire mob with 1 or 2 clicks. the possible buffs could be anything, MHP, AC, DMG, CL... and being able to set each 1 to be a random amount would be great.

    I will test it out shortly, but thank you for the responses.

    Example of the type of thing my DM would love:
    Buff Lv 2; AC: [1d3-1];MHP: [1d10-1]; CL: [1d2-1]; SKILL: [1d4-1]; ATK: [1d3-1]; SR: [1d4], DMG: [1d6-1]; RESIST: [1d3-1] fire; DR: [1d3-1]

    Target all "enemies" (the Mob) and apply the above effect and have it roll for each NPC so the effect is most likely unique for each NPC.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

  2. #1122
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morenu View Post
    Yes, the 1 time random value on the application of the effect to the NPC is what I am looking for. So the AC: [1d4-1] gets applied to the NPC, and when applied a 3 is rolled (-1) so they get an AC: 2 effect applied to the CT.

    If multiple NPCs are targeted at the same time with AC: [1d4-1], they would all get the same value correct? if so, is there a way to have it roll for each targeted NPC?

    I ask because there is an extension that lets me set an effect to target groups (all, enemies, allies...) and that would be a fast way to let my DM randomize a buff effect that is random for the entire mob with 1 or 2 clicks. the possible buffs could be anything, MHP, AC, DMG, CL... and being able to set each 1 to be a random amount would be great.

    I will test it out shortly, but thank you for the responses.

    Example of the type of thing my DM would love:
    Buff Lv 2; AC: [1d3-1];MHP: [1d10-1]; CL: [1d2-1]; SKILL: [1d4-1]; ATK: [1d3-1]; SR: [1d4], DMG: [1d6-1]; RESIST: [1d3-1] fire; DR: [1d3-1]

    Target all "enemies" (the Mob) and apply the above effect and have it roll for each NPC so the effect is most likely unique for each NPC.
    I think it is rolled one time for all at once; but you could of course apply the effect multiple times, just with a different target each time (so, a bit more cumbersome, but then it rolls every time again )

    Sorry for the late answer I have to teach additionally to research But weekends is usually FG time for me, hehe

  3. #1123
    Alright, I've got one for you guys, I'm receiving a stack overflow error when using any variation of the syntax IF: Bloodied; (IFT, NIF, NIFT) as well as for the tags Healthy and Wounded. After messing around with my extensions, I've pinpointed that it seems to be specifically these 3 tags and while I have both Better Combat Effects and Extended Automation and Overlays active, but not while one or the other is active (adjusting NIFs as needed without EAaO active to IFs).

    With what I'm using both extensions for, using them mutually exclusive is not an option, so it would boil down to just not using these IF-tag pairings, but I'm hoping someone would have a suggested work around/fix for me.

  4. #1124
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJDust View Post
    Alright, I've got one for you guys, I'm receiving a stack overflow error when using any variation of the syntax IF: Bloodied; (IFT, NIF, NIFT) as well as for the tags Healthy and Wounded. After messing around with my extensions, I've pinpointed that it seems to be specifically these 3 tags and while I have both Better Combat Effects and Extended Automation and Overlays active, but not while one or the other is active (adjusting NIFs as needed without EAaO active to IFs).

    With what I'm using both extensions for, using them mutually exclusive is not an option, so it would boil down to just not using these IF-tag pairings, but I'm hoping someone would have a suggested work around/fix for me.

    Sorry for the delayed answer; right now I am in Cologne for a research talk and collaboration etc

    Thanks for your report! Yeah, the good old stack overflow issue (it is not the first time that it appears, usually it happens if there is another extension changing the effect script I will speak with Ryan about that when I am back in Göttingen (today is my last day in Cologne, so hopefully everything fixed over the weekend)

  5. #1125
    Would it be possible to take all the lovely stuff done with IFTAG and NIFTAG and have it also work with the properties field of weapons?
    So you could put say light, or twohanded in the weapons properties field and have an IFTAG: light in an effect that would do whatever is after it like it does for spells?

  6. #1126
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmilmine View Post
    Would it be possible to take all the lovely stuff done with IFTAG and NIFTAG and have it also work with the properties field of weapons?
    So you could put say light, or twohanded in the weapons properties field and have an IFTAG: light in an effect that would do whatever is after it like it does for spells?
    Thank you for sharing the idea

    I actually have that idea for a longer time, but I was not sure if it is that important due to the extension which allows to attach effects to items and make them only activate if the corresponding weapon is used But certainly something I was thinking about

  7. #1127
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    Thank you for sharing the idea

    I actually have that idea for a longer time, but I was not sure if it is that important due to the extension which allows to attach effects to items and make them only activate if the corresponding weapon is used But certainly something I was thinking about
    like, "Fire Shield; NIFTAG: reach; TDMG: 1d6 [CL] fire, melee" :P

  8. #1128
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asgurgolas View Post
    like, "Fire Shield; NIFTAG: reach; TDMG: 1d6 [CL] fire, melee" :P
    hmmm. Good point!

    Oki, I am convinced! I will add that probably as next feature Thanks

  9. #1129
    keladvantage and keldisadvantage do not work on Fortification.
    If I apply either of those to a character with fortification it does not cause the fortification roll to roll twice and take the best or worst.

  10. #1130
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmilmine View Post
    keladvantage and keldisadvantage do not work on Fortification.
    If I apply either of those to a character with fortification it does not cause the fortification roll to roll twice and take the best or worst.
    Thanks for the report! Interesting, I will have to check that out, I thought the code of (dis)advantage should be universal enough to affect all rolls. Though one might ask: Should it be allowed that the (dis)advantage effects affect fortification rolls? (but your report may be very well based on such a use case; so that I should certainly check it out )

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