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  1. #741
    I tried to do that at one point but wasn't' all up on my PF1 rules since I don't play it.

  2. #742
    Not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but for me ongoing save effects dont seem to be working in pfrpg, I can copy the same effect making a save and taking damage on fail that works fine in 5e but stops working in pf1e, looks like it's maked in the documentation that it should work in both?

  3. #743
    Quote Originally Posted by CassMerry View Post
    Not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but for me ongoing save effects dont seem to be working in pfrpg, I can copy the same effect making a save and taking damage on fail that works fine in 5e but stops working in pf1e, looks like it's maked in the documentation that it should work in both?
    Are you using the PF1 save FORT, WILL etc?

  4. #744
    Hello, it looks like this extension is interfering with how healing ability damage works, at least in PFRPG. With only this extension on, an overnight rest triggered from the combat tracker menu (Menu-> Rest -> Overnight Rest) causes 2 points of ability damage per ability to be healed, instead of the correct one per ability with the extension off. Weirdly if the overnight rest is triggered from the character sheet (right click-> Rest -> Overnight Rest) everything works properly.

  5. #745
    Version update: v4.35
    Fixed: PF1 rest decrementing ability damage twice
    Fixed: EXPIREADD for conditionals

  6. #746
    Indeed ability damage healing is fixed now, thank you Rhagelstrom!

  7. #747
    Quote Originally Posted by rhagelstrom View Post
    Are you using the PF1 save FORT, WILL etc?
    Ah thanks, the effect builder seems to pull attributes rather than saves and I wasn't suing the right capitalisation/shortened word formats

  8. #748
    Hi there!

    I have a couple of questions if it isn't too troublesome.

    #1 - When using SAVES in PF1. Is it possible to define how to calculate the save? It works fine with manual entry but as save DCs change automatically, the save will also change, leaving whatever number I put there obsolete. *******Just saw this mentioned a page before. Saves in PF1 are as follows - 10 + spell level + ability modifier (Hoping for an update on this one day <3)

    #2 - More complex - I'm coding a custom spell which says the following:
    They get a +5 bonus to a random attribute based on the d6 result. 1 is Strength, 2 is Dexterity, 3 is Constitution, 4 is Intelligence, 5 is Wisdom, and 6 is Charisma.
    The bonus decreases by 1 every round at the beginning of the affected ally’s turn.
    So far doing the first step is easy - Glittering Ruby; STR: 5; EXPIREADD: Glittering Ruby (I have the change state set to Remove start of turn) - however, is there a way to continue this down a chain? I tried the following based on the thing change state gives but couldn't get it to work - Glittering Ruby; STR: 4; EXPIREADD: Glittering Ruby; [RS] - sadly manually putting in [RS] in a code line doesn't seem to function. Furthermore, I noticed that even with the state change, it will not remove it unless there is a 1 round marker as intended, but is there a way to force remove without it having 1 turn left?

    Any help on these 2 queries would be awesome.
    Last edited by Rhydion; February 25th, 2025 at 05:50. Reason: Updated info

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