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  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Some of the ones I voted for or I think were primarily user driven include:
    That's good news. What if there were a long running Forum news section that would mention the top ten customer requests with a simple update once a quarter?

    AND what if there were a bit more nudge for items that have been in the top ten for years... ?
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

  2. #202
    Well you could send Doug a big bundle of cash...

  3. #203
    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs View Post
    Well you could send Doug a big bundle of cash...
    Who is Doug? And why would I send him currency?
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

  4. #204

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    Mar 2006
    The ddavison above in one of the posts is Doug Davison who is one of the owners of Smiteworks. So... sending him a bundle of cash might just change up some priorities in development.

  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre View Post
    The ddavison above in one of the posts is Doug Davison who is one of the owners of Smiteworks. So... sending him a bundle of cash might just change up some priorities in development.
    Sure. OR the threat of all his customers going off to other platforms might have the same effect. But we're both just joking right?

    I'd love to be able to send Smiteworks "a bundle of cash" though I would think My continued patronage and purchases and boasting about how great FGU is on all social media would be good too, but I am not financially well off, I'm struggling to stay lower middle class income, before I send Doug any free money I'd love to pay for My Son's college, OH WAIT ABSOLUTELY NO ONE GIVES A SH*T.

    Sorry, forgot where I was for a moment. Sorry Doug, I can't send that fantasy grant money so I guess I'll stop making suggestions.
    *LOL* Cheers.
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

  6. #206
    Morenu's Avatar
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    Here are the top 10 items voted for on the wishlist: wish list.png ranging from 269 - 507 votes as of last night. I have no idea what FGU user base is like but considering I see that Bmos's Aura effect extension has the most forge downloads at 5679, less than 10% of those users asked for auras on the wish list. and I assume since MANY FGU users do not use Forge extensions, then the wish list is made up of what? 1-2% of the FGU userbase? (Granted, I would argue that that is probably some of the most involved user base but...). the wish list CAN'T be the main driving factor for the company roadmap.

    I would love to see the top 10 requests each get their own small write up on the forum. From * F they are possible (Multi monitor for example has been said that it doesn't work with LUA) *to possible alternative options (Extensions, other apps and so on) *to are they on the roadmap in some way.

    Moving the top wishlist items to the forum might get some ideas or community assistance, but it might also open up a bunch of whining and complaining.

    My 2 slightly off topic 2 cents... (Oh look, printable character sheets is 4th and 3rd is already done... there, back on topic)
    Last edited by Morenu; January 16th, 2025 at 16:40.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

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    Discord: Morenu

  7. #207
    Quote Originally Posted by Morenu View Post
    the wish list CAN'T be the driving company roadmap.
    Not "the" but more of A, and I wonder what Swen Vincke would say to that statement.
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

  8. #208
    It is rather obvious that the votes don't matter. When you look at the "Completed" list they have on average 30 or 40 votes with the outliers being 99 and 341 for the ability to add text to maps. I have been using FG for 7 or so years, even longer I think and now is my main repository for my books since they keep getting stolen out of my car. Being able to print a standard sheet is essential for my players and its a big turn off to have them transfer the data by hand since most of the 5e printers dont work any more. Why is this not implemented? Is it difficult? An IP restriction? Copyright? Code Gremlins? We should at least have an answer for that not the run around.

  9. #209
    See what you did? You made me post on a forum and I am angry about that.

  10. #210
    Quote Originally Posted by Malphazar View Post
    See what you did? You made me post on a forum and I am angry about that.
    Thank You for speaking out. I greatly appreciate it.
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

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