Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #531
    Quote Originally Posted by The Judge View Post
    I get a console error when creating a new ammo type and then adding it to either the character or Items list. In this case, I made a bane crossbow bolt. Error reads
    Handler error: 9string "FG-Ammunition-Manager...ager ammunition.lua"9263: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
    Attachment 60694.
    This is because of the name of your ammunition item which does not match what I saw as the 'standard format' used in official module conversions:
    Screenshot from 2024-04-29 07-19-56.png

    I pushed a fix for the script error but think it needs some more testing to ensure the item name is preserved correctly when formatted as you have it.
    Last edited by bmos; April 29th, 2024 at 12:21.

  2. #532
    [8/24/2024 1:10:40 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "FG-Ammunition-Manager:..pts/ammo_weapon.lua"]:43: attempt to index global 'ammopicker' (a nil value)

    Getting three instances of this whenever the actions tab on the mini character sheet is opened.

  3. #533
    Hi, unfortunately I haven't had time recently to handle the updates for my extensions and don't foresee having time for this in the near future.

    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    Hey y'all.

    I've been having a hard time finding time to work on these extensions lately, since I haven't personally been using FG in quite a while and I've had a lot of stuff (mostly good) going on in my life.
    A number of my extensions are not working so great with the August ruleset updates (mostly just some UI stuff) and there are another set of breaking changes coming down the pipe later this month also (generally good changes I'm sure).

    I am monitoring all my GitHub repos, so if anyone has the skills and motivation to make pull requests to update them as needed I am here to assist in that.
    I also am open to requests from other devs who want to take over these extensions and if someone does step up for an extension I can eventually transfer repos/forge items to you.
    I hope to keep Aura Effect going until the official AoE/proximity effect features make it into FG, but updates to the rest of this stuff will probably be limited.

    Sorry for the disruption to all who rely on these for their games.
    Thank you all for the support and messages over the years, this has been a great community to be part of and I hope to get back to playing in FG again someday.

  4. #534
    False alarm.
    Last edited by BushViper; September 28th, 2024 at 21:41.

  5. #535
    First, I'm hoping bmos is still doing well out there.
    Second, I acknowledge I'm in over my depth - but I'm trying to grow. (LOLOLOL)

    As others are probably aware, this extension throws an error...or Warning.

    [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (ammopicker) in windowclass (char_weapon)

    It throws it A LOT. But in D&D 5E is appears to work, and one can ignore the console error. But, the Ammo Quantity and Selected Ammo name are misaligned on the Actions Tab.

    Fortunately, bmos has (a) included a License that says we can muck about in there and learn from their past effort, and (b) included all the files (I think they're all?) on github - so while it appears the extension loads in the Vault, I went and made the documents locally based on copy/paste from github and it seems to work - albeit with the Warning and misalignment.

    Now, I think (and expect I'm wrong) that this is related to the LENGTHY discussion SilentRuin and everyone were having with JD and Teddy about the 2024 "anchors" which I kinda followed but couldn't explain to a 5 year old (and probably don't really get anyway). But...I found in the 5e_record_char_weapon.xml file makes a reference to windowclass name="char_weapon"

    Am I seeing this correctly, that THIS is where the hiccup is happening? And if so, am I going down the right rabbit hole in thinking "char_weapon" is what changed?'s called something else now? Or should I let Fiver and Hazel do their business and just let the cat eat me in the farm yard?

    	<windowclass name="char_weapon" merge="join">
    		<script file="campaign/scripts/5e_char_weapon.lua" />
    			<buttonfield name="isloaded" source="ammunitionmanager.isloaded">
    				<anchored width="27" height="10">
    					<top parent="name" anchor="bottom" offset="11" />
    					<left offset="2" />
    				<state icon="button_load" tooltipres="tooltip_actions_unloaded" />
    				<state icon="button_unload" tooltipres="tooltip_actions_loaded" />
    				<script file="campaign/scripts/ammo_isloaded.lua" />
    			<label name="label_ammo">
    					<left offset="125" />
    			<basicnumber name="maxammo">
    				<script file="common/scripts/number_crosslink_unlink.lua" />
    			<combobox_ammo name="ammopicker" source="ammunitionmanager.ammopicker">
    					<top parent="maxammo" anchor="top" offset="0" />
    					<bottom parent="maxammo" anchor="bottom" offset="2" />
    					<left parent="maxammo" anchor="right" offset="15" />
    					<right parent="attackframe" anchor="right" offset="0" />
    				<itemsheetname><string /><field>subtype</field></itemsheetname>
    				<itemsheetname><string /><field>type</field></itemsheetname>
    	<windowclass name="char_weapon_editor" merge="join">
    			<size width="380" height="470" />
    			<minimum width="380" height="470" />
    			<dynamic />
    	<windowclass name="char_weapon_editor_main" merge="join">
    		<script file="campaign/scripts/char_weapon_editor_main.lua" />
    			<subwindow name="weapon_ammo_subwindow" insertafter="header_damage">
    					<top parent="columnanchor" anchor="bottom" relation="relative" offset="0" />
    					<left offset="-5" />
    					<right offset="2" />
    				<activate />

  6. #536
    In PF2, I can't get the LOAD button to show up. Is that function busted for anyone else?

    bmos apparently left and is not able to update this, I'm not too familiar with devs and extensions and the forums here. Is someone else taking over? Is there a replacement extension that I should look into?

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