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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    I think maybe you'll need to export the character and post it here so we can take a look. I can't test the situation where I own a book which the DM doesn't. I still think the links should work if you created the character and it's you that is clicking the links. Obviously if someone else is clicking the links and don't own the books then they won't be able to open them.
    I understand, that you are a little frustrated - I am, too - because we had not the possibility to check this in the last month deeply (my DM is preparing a new campaign), I had mostly check this myself - and in all circumstances (as you already also found out), there is no problem - so I waited for him to start his campaign.

    And yesterday we had again the chance - so please forget, what I had said in the first post - yesterday we were able to dive more deeply inside:

    1. The DM owns Tashas and had give it free to us players ( he was last time wrongly of the opinion, that he not owns it). The players and me also owns Tashas
    2. We deleted again with our DM in our DMs Campaign all extensions and then all we different players in his Campaign created a new twilight cleric character with the drag and drop method,
    3. dragging cleric from main class menu (using the tashas version) onto lvl field - choosing skills then
    4. then choosing twilight domain-
    5. after FGU has filled all fields automatically we had gone to abilities tab
    6. and under feature open domain spells twilight and the link within this window - a click on the link opens nothing- in fact even putting a new link inside had the same result
    7. we have tried with different players
    8. no error message shown anyway.
    9. in my last message I put the logfile here into the forum from yesterday
    10. we will try all of this with a totally new campaign somewhere in the future, but my DM of yourse want to use all of his material to date, so what will help him that?
    Last edited by micael; April 7th, 2024 at 17:21.

  2. #22
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    I think testing in a new campaign will help enormously in tracking this issue, because from what you have said there should be no issue; and as I say the character xml that you posted works fine when I import into one of my test campaigns.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    I think testing in a new campaign will help enormously in tracking this issue, because from what you have said there should be no issue; and as I say the character xml that you posted works fine when I import into one of my test campaigns.
    tested in a totally new campaign today - same issue - only PHB and tashas loaded as DM and Player - here is a screenshot- no error messages no opening of a window.


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  4. #24
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Alright I'm finally able to reproduce this locally based on the new information that the DM owns Tasha as well as the player. And it's not confined to the Twilight Cleric domain but to any spell list attached to any class. There has to be something weird in the way that Tasha is put together. This one was originally developed in par5e but has now been transferred to a campaign. Everything works fine if you create the character on a local machine where you own the book. But when you create the character when joined to a game you get the problem.

    The error in the console is [4/7/2024 7:21:33 PM] desktop: Unable to create window with given data source (class_spell_view : class_spell_view.wizard@DD Tashas Cauldron of Everything - Players) which I think Trenloe reported above.

    So the steps that I took to reproduce was share only the PHB and Tasha players then join my own game. Created a new character and dragged in any spellcasting class with a spell list (a Cleric is a good example, and it doesn't matter if the PHB or Tasha's Cleric is selected) and select any of the domains from Tasha (Order, Peace, or Twilight). Clicking on the Domain Spells in the abilities tab opens the ability but nothing happens if you then click on the spells list link. But the error does get reported in the console. The same problem exists if the character is created using the character wizard - so it isn't just drag and drop.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  5. #25
    Thanks for the additional info to track down, and the help all around. It looks like it only happens if both the GM and the player own Tasha; and works fine if player owns, but GM does not.


  6. #26
    A fix for this issue was pushed with the update today. Please run a new Check for Updates, and try again.


  7. #27
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Yep, all fixed. Jolly good.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  8. #28

    Bug is back agian

    Hi to all,

    this bug is back again- if we try to get on our characters the Additional Ranger Spells (option) in features (abilities charactersheet tab) that comes from Xanathars guide, the link will not react and now windows is opening: see addendum- that is the same for DMS and players. The xanathars is free for all- if going directly to players section in Xanathars we can open the link, but not on charsheet. We have all the newest updates version 4.5.9 from 3.7.24
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  9. #29

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    One of my players was having this issue last night with a spell from Xanathar's. I didn't actually look, but I think it may be that the spells are not in the player version of Xanathar's, only the DM version.

  10. #30
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by micael View Post
    Hi to all,

    this bug is back again- if we try to get on our characters the Additional Ranger Spells (option) in features (abilities charactersheet tab) that comes from Xanathars guide, the link will not react and now windows is opening: see addendum- that is the same for DMS and players. The xanathars is free for all- if going directly to players section in Xanathars we can open the link, but not on charsheet. We have all the newest updates version 4.5.9 from 3.7.24
    Additional Ranger Spells (Optional) are not in Xanathar's but in Tasha's. Does the player have Tasha's open and did they create the character using drag and drop?
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

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