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  1. #1
    Blahness98's Avatar
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    Paizo Sync and Special Editions


    I was wondering if the Paizo Sync issue with Pathfinder 2e Special Edition books/pdfs has ever been resolved. I would like to purchase a bunch of more modules for PF2, but would like to get my discounts for having the PDFs. Last time I checked the forums, this was a known issue with the Paizo API and in order to get the discount, I would need to get the non-special edition versions of the PDF. While I have contacted customer support over at Paizo and they have granted a few of the books I have since purchased, they hinted that they would not allow this to happen again and I should subscribe to the standard versions the books.

    So has the API been updated or am I out of luck?
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  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Doesn't answer your question, but did you see this? Humble Bundle Pathfinder 2 FGU Bundle (

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    ddavison's Avatar
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    It is not resolved as far as I know. My recommendation would be to reach out to support and ask if they can add the non-special edition to your account if you already own the special edition. Let them know that the only reason you need this is so you can benefit from the PDF discount thanks to buying a more premium version of the original product.

  4. #4
    Blahness98's Avatar
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    Sorry to drag this back to the top but after speaking with customer service, they stated they would be able to add the non-special edition PDFs to my account as a one time occurrence. Paizo customer service implied they will be unable to do this again in the future. They suggested I drop to the standard edition subscription, pre-order the non-special edition PDFs, or find some way to contact the people behind the sync service to see if they can fix the glitch in the back end.

    While I can drop down to the standard edition subscription, I already have the majority of the special edition core rule books and have the special editions of the remastered edition and personally like the look of the faux leather. I don't want to break up the shelf with different looking books. Perhaps if I caught this before getting the new remastered books, maybe I would have dropped down.

    I don't want to have to purchase another copy of the PDF when I get one as part of the subscription service Paizo offers. While I have some disposable income, that gets used with the new releases at Paizo and getting the modules here on FG. I am still in discussions with them about being granted the non-special edition PDFs instead of the special edition ones, so maybe if they agree this will all be a mute point.

    That comes to the third option. I have no idea who to contact about the potential glitch in the API running Paizo Sync not don't know where to start looking for that information. Even then, what do I say that doesn't make me look like a meiser for attempting to save a few bucks. This post and my emails to customer service already paint me in that light. Would it be possible for FG to contact Paizo to see if this can get looked at? I know it is asking a lot, but I cannot be the only person with the special edition subscription that is asking questions about this not working.

    Just posting an update to this thread and maybe asking for assistance along the back end.
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  5. #5
    ddavison's Avatar
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    The only solution I know of for this issue is for Paizo to credit all special edition owners with the PDF for that plus the basic version. My understanding is that the interior of the special editions is essentially the same as the special edition and the only difference is the cover. Is this accurate?

    Our process works like this:
    1. We set up a new product for FG
    2. We use the Paizo API to create a licensed product and this uses the Paizo ID
    3. We assign those two products to each other
    4. We sell the FG version on Steam and on our site
    5. The Paizo sync sends all IDs to Paizo and they use the link info to grant PDFs

    We have no way of knowing which of our customers bought the special edition at Paizo. Only Paizo has this information. If we tried to solve the issue from our end, it would grant the special edition to all basic version owners at Paizo and I doubt they want that either.

  6. #6
    Blahness98's Avatar
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    From what I can tell, the differences between the special edition PDF and the normal PDF is the file name of the zip file it comes in. That is it. Otherwise the PDF itself has the same file size and name inside the named container. For example, the GM Core Special Edition is called: while the GM Core is called: Both contain the identical PZO12002E.pdf file. So I have no clue.

    For the physical product, the cover is different (leather) and the additional ribbon that is included with it. The guts of the books are the same.

    But I will step back and keep talking to Paizo to see what can be done. Thank you Doug for looking into this. As always you guys rock.
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  7. #7
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blahness98 View Post
    From what I can tell, the differences between the special edition PDF and the normal PDF is the file name of the zip file it comes in. That is it. Otherwise the PDF itself has the same file size and name inside the named container. For example, the GM Core Special Edition is called: while the GM Core is called: Both contain the identical PZO12002E.pdf file. So I have no clue.
    I don't have the special editions, so I can't test this. Can you click the "Retrieve Purchases" button here: And then do a browser search (CTRL+F) for PZO12002 (GM Core) and also PZO12001 (Player Core) - do different codes come up, or just the base code (ending in "E")? I'm wondering if there are different codes being sent via the API - or it may be when SmiteWorks use step #2 listed in post $5 by Doug that it only ties to the standard edition via the API and other codes won't be sent.
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  8. #8
    Blahness98's Avatar
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    I will have to wait to test this as I have since purchased the modules for the Player and GM Core books and synced. Player core 2 is coming out later this month, so I should be able to test then.

    But running the sync to test anyway, it lists PZO12001E and PZO12002E. So whether or not it is because I already purchased and synced, I won't know for certain. Once player core 2 comes online I will see what happens.
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