Thread: Test Release v3.3.2
July 11th, 2017, 06:26 #1
Supreme Deity
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Test Release v3.3.2
FG v3.3.2 is now in beta testing.
As always, we're a small company so we rely on our community to help sound out each new release. Thanks in advance to all those who pitch in.
Please see the sticky thread on public testing if you want to be involved. Only the Test mode slot contains this version. I will update this thread as I release new iterations of the test version.
Key Things
1) Always backup your campaign data before running the test version.
2) If the GM is running on test then all of the players will also be running on test.
3) If you encounter an issues log them in the relevant testing thread - don't use the generic House of Healing, but use this thread.
July 11th, 2017, 06:26 #2
Supreme Deity
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- Main window and desktop panel positions saved on exit, and restored on start.
- Sharing state of read-only module content will be remembered between sessions.
- Campaign passwords can be changed during a session by using the /password chat command.
- [CoreRPG+] Page navigation buttons added to reference manuals and reference manual pullout pages.
- [CoreRPG+] Reference manuals and reference manual pullout pages support window re-use when clicking on reference manual links.
- [CoreRPG+] If a creature is hidden in the combat tracker, any results applied to that creature target will be hidden from players, regardless of Show Results campaign option.
- [CoreRPG+] Whisper messages updated to use new icon and blue speech bubbles.
- [CoreRPG+] Effects can be turned on/off or removed by the user who added the effect from within the player combat tracker.
- [CoreRPG+] Effect targets can be adjusted by the user who added the effect from within the player combat tracker.
- [CoreRPG/CoC/Numenera/FateCore] Duration and adjustment initiative added to combat tracker effects
- [5E/4E/PFRPG/3.5E/CnC/d20Mod] Effects that apply ongoing damage or regeneration that are only GM-visible, or applied to creatures hidden in the CT, will hide the damage and healing rolls.
- [5E/4E/3.5E/d20Mod] Add house rule option to roll initiative at the beginning of each round.
- [5E/PFRPG/3.5E] Armor and Weapons overview table added to campaign Items list.
- [5E/PFRPG/3.5E] NPCs by Letter, CR and Type overview tables added to campaign NPCs list.
- [5E] Saving throw rolls generated from spells or NPC magical abilities will check for Magic Resistance.
- [5E] Damage rolls generated from spells will include the magic damage type if physical damage specified.
- [5E] NPC spells with a duration of concentration will include a "(C)" note on those spell's effects.
- [5E] When a creature in the CT takes damage and it is the source of any effects containing the concentration tag (C), then a concentration roll will be made. If the roll fails, any concentration effects applied by that creature will expire.
- [5E] The reroll weapon property will no longer apply to effect dice.
- [5E] Hidden modifier button removed, since it did not do anything special.
- [5E] NPC spellcasting attack rolls and DCs will be calculated based on spellcasting ability and CR if not explicitly stated in spell text.
- [5E] NPC spell descriptions will no longer be automatically modified to add DC and attack modifier information when added to NPC records.
- [5E] When spell added to PC actions tab, the Actions tab mode will be set to Standard so that all spells are visible.
- [5E] Item templates have been moved to their own record section available through a new button in the campaign Items list.
- [PFRPG/3.5E] Added link to proficiency entries on PC sheet to track more detail.
- [PFRPG/3.5E] NPC size and effect conditional size can be specified using a single letter (F,D,T,S,M,L,H,G,C).
- [PFRPG/3.5E] PC encumbrance fields are auto-calculated from Strength score and size.
- [PFRPG/3.5E] Spell cast actions have option for half damage on save. Existing spells will need to be re-parsed or edited to pick up option.
- [PFRPG/3.5E] Evasion and Improved Evasion effects will apply damage reduction to subsequent spell damage rolls for Reflex half save spells.
- [PFRPG/3.5E] If NPC spell modules specified with (DC #) at the end of spell names, a modifier will be added to spell cast action for saves if different than default save for spell of that level.
- [PFRPG/3.5E] Class abilities, racial traits and feats can be dropped on any list in the PC Abilities tab.
- [PFRPG/3.5E] PC sheet can be resized.
- [PFPRG] AC effects with the size bonus type will be ignored for CMD calculations.
- [CnC] Added section for class abilities on the class record.
- [CnC] Added section for racial traits on the race record.
- FG would stop accepting mouse input after reverting module while module image open. Fixed.
- Records shared by GM in modules not loaded by player would not be accessible via wildcard links. Fixed.
- [CoreRPG+] Script error when clicking on image record header link. Fixed.
- [CoreRPG+] If module activation window opened from Token box and Modules button pushed in Library without closing activation window, then only token modules are shown. Fixed to display the most recent choice.
- [5E/PFRPG/3.5E/d20Mod] Half damage type subtotals would not add up to damage total if half damage selected and more than one subtotal was odd. Fixed.
- [5E] If target had resistance applied to a damage roll which had more than one damage type subtotal with an odd subtotal that was resisted, then an extra damage point would be dropped. Fixed.
- [5E] Pre-built reduce effect for Enlarge/Reduce spell would incorrectly be tagged as Enlarge but with the correct modifiers. Fixed.
- [5E] Class specializations would overlap when exporting custom classes. Specializations are changed to match by class name, instead of class data path.
- [5E] Cold-forged iron damage type not supported in NPC attacks. Fixed.
- [5E] Save DC calculation incorrect for PC spell actions that use the "Base" ability for the DC calculation. Fixed.
- [PFRPG/3.5E] Standard equipment from core and OGL modules are incorrectly marked as unidentified when added to PCs. Fixed.
- [DEV][CoreRPG+] Added yellow reference manual block frame
- [DEV] Changed ruleset initialization so that onModuleLoad callbacks will be triggered when loading campaign, not just when modules loaded after loading campaign.
July 11th, 2017, 09:08 #3
Some nice changes in there JPG.
If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here
July 11th, 2017, 15:06 #4
Lots of good updates. One question/concern though;
- [5E] NPC spell descriptions will no longer be automatically modified to add DC and attack modifier information when added to NPC records.
I'm not sure I understand why this was done or why it's a good thing. Does this make the NPC's created in FG have different text than what would be expected in a printed source? Does this change the desired text for the Spellcasting Trait? I assume the spells still get parsed and the DCs calculated when added to the CT...
Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.
July 11th, 2017, 16:04 #5
The spells still parse and the correct attack and spell DCs are produced. The change was made to accommodate the situation where for example an NPCs healing spell gave ndn + <ability modifier>., which previously did not work with the existing wording. So, now spell attacks and DCs are calculated depending on the NPCs ability score or CR. If you check on any Spellcaster from the MM you'll see the new wording (which basically removes the bracketed +x to spell attacks, Spell Save DC x)
If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here
July 11th, 2017, 16:40 #6I never claimed to be sane. Besides, it's more fun this way.
July 11th, 2017, 20:37 #7
Supreme Deity
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The attack and save information used to be parsed from the spellcasting trait when the NPC was added to the combat tracker, and then the attack and save values hard coded into the NPC actions text. Now, when you actually make a roll from a NPC action, it will check for the spellcasting trait at that time and apply the correct modifiers based on the current wording of the spellcasting trait. Also, it fixes a couple other issues, such as the one Zaccaheus mentioned.
No plans to make an option at this time. Let's see how it works in action, before adding "yet another option". The caster can always re-apply the effect the rare situations where something needs to be rolled back, but this will do the right thing according to the rules in an automated way. Plus, this is something that is commonly forgotten to be accounted for by most players (i.e. Concentration requires save on damage). It's really no different than an effect being removed automatically when it expires.
July 11th, 2017, 20:46 #8
Thanks Moon. Good work (as we've come to expect)!
No not, me, I've never forgotten to remove an effect or to roll (or have my players) roll. Nope, not me. At least not since this morning...
Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.
July 12th, 2017, 00:46 #9
[5e ruleset] When the option to reroll initiative on each round is ON, the 'Next actor' button rolls initiative every time it is used but the current actor loses focus. Essentially, can't move between actors on the CT without rerolling initiative and losing focus.
July 12th, 2017, 00:55 #10Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!
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