1. #1

    Encouraging AL DM's

    In an effort to encourage more people to give DMing an Adventure League game a try, I thought I'd offer to run a slot 0 session of an Expedition adventure. This way, you can familiarize yourself with the adventure, ask any questions in real time about the game you will run and then see the video stream of how it was DM'd "behind the scenes."

    After the game, I will share the FG format module with you so that you can run the game yourself. If the streaming requirement for an AL game is an obstacle, I'd be happy to stream the game for you. If the thought of organizing the game makes you want to heave, I'll take care of that too. In essence, you can either do it all yourself, or have everything done for you -except the hard part of actually running the game

    If there's interest in this, let me know and I'll schedule the game. If anyone has other thoughts on how to encourage more DM participation, let's hear it. Is there anything that can be done here that would get you to DM an AL game here?

  2. #2
    Interestingly on the Facebook Adventurers League Online page, the Online Regional Coordinator has indicated he has enough FG GMs and is looking for more R20 GMs.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by VenomousFiligree View Post
    Interestingly on the Facebook Adventurers League Online page, the Online Regional Coordinator has indicated he has enough FG GMs and is looking for more R20 GMs.
    I saw that too....I had assumed (perhaps wrongly) he was referring to the solicitation as online regional coordinator for the positions of online local coordinators. David Is also looking to establish a daily game slot ...and maybe he had success In doing that. I think it's still the case that we have way more players than dms and still have a need.
    Last edited by Talen; May 2nd, 2015 at 04:10. Reason: jumped the gun!

  4. #4
    Definitely more players than GMs here, that's for sure!

    Look forward to seeing the app.

  5. #5
    soulcat's Avatar
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    I have played in a couple Adventure League games now that Talen has run, and I would be interesting in running Adventure league as a GM. (more interested in playing but that's because all I seem to do nowadays is run games :P) I am fairly comfortable with 5th ed having run a lots mines campaign, and I am currently running a Local Horde of the dragon queen game using Fantasy Grounds for combat tracking and reference.

  6. #6
    soulcat's Avatar
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    I probably should mention I also have an ultimate license, so I can run for people trying out fantasy grounds.

  7. #7
    I am just getting back to D & D after a longgggg time (20 years) and thought FG would be a good but am having trouble finding any games at all. Back in the day I was usually a DM but just wanted to be a player to get re-orientated. So, going to ask a stupid question, how does one get started in campaigns? I have looked through the calendar but there never seems to be any follow through on the posted games. Any suggestions?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by dante411 View Post
    I am just getting back to D & D after a longgggg time (20 years) and thought FG would be a good but am having trouble finding any games at all. Back in the day I was usually a DM but just wanted to be a player to get re-orientated. So, going to ask a stupid question, how does one get started in campaigns? I have looked through the calendar but there never seems to be any follow through on the posted games. Any suggestions?
    Post in the https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...y-Guild-House) forum with your interest, timezone, nights/days and times you can play. It might take a little time to get found but keep looking. Also GMs will post announcements there for games. With 5e now supported thru FG the traffic has picked up immensely. Not sure of your other interests but there are a lot of other systems played thru FG so you might want to check out Savage Worlds, Pathfinder and others just to get in some gaming and really get a feel for the program.
    Ultimate License Holder--All can play in my games.

    Need Help as a GM, PM me and I will give as much assistance as I can to get you started.

    COMPLETED PROJECTS--Fifth Edition Foes (Frog God Games) 5E. Quests of Doom Volume 1 (Frog God Games) 5E, Quests of Doom Volume II (Frog God Games) 5E.

    CURRENT PROJECTS--Quests of Doom 3 & 4 (Frog God Games) 5E.

  9. #9
    soulcat's Avatar
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    Yay, Ran my First AL Game. Things went fairly smoothly, Managed to run them thought 3 of the city of Danger Mini-Adventurers. Few hiccups due to connection issues, but all in all went pretty well. Had a player new to D&D 5e, and a player new to Fantasy grounds. They seemed to enjoy the experience.

  10. #10

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