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  1. Story Recap from 12/17/16

    [QUOTE=Talen;308085]Confronted with the aftermath of the destruction of the Egyptian obelisk that once resided at the estate of [B]Sir William Bankes, [/B]the Rippers set to finding answers by questioning the captive politician [B]Jonathan Jellicoe[/B]. The Ripper’s interrogation techniques were “non-traditional, with Jellicoe questioned by the investigator Granver Stone while Jellicoe’s portly frame suspended from a chandelier above Saito’s eager katana. The investigation technique was also effective ...
  2. Story Recap from 11/26/16

    [QUOTE=Talen;303860]The Rippers continued their recruitment of [B]Sir William Bankes[/B] over a weekend dinner party at his Dorset estate in Kingston Lacy. The Rippers learned of Sir Williams’s discovery of an ancient Egyptian Obelisk at a [B]Temple of Isis in Philae Egypt[/B]. Solomon Grist’s surprising knowledge on the subject impressed their host and prompted Granver to engage in additional research on the subject at Sir Williams’s extensive library where he learned that the ...

    Updated November 27th, 2016 at 14:19 by Talen

  3. Story Recap from 11/19/16

    [QUOTE=Talen;302241][B][From the journal of Mina Harker][/B]

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  4. Story Recap from 11/5/16

    [QUOTE=Talen;299340]Upon dispatching the vampires discovered last session, the Rippers returned to the London lodge to receive orders on how to proceed with the potentially catastrophic infestation. As luck would have it, the two most renowned surviving vampire hunters in the world had returned to London- [B]Mina and Jonathan Harker[/B]. Known throughout the Rippers for their heroism in defeating Dracula alongside [B]Johan Van Helsing[/B], Jonathan had returned from his work throughout Eastern ...

    Updated November 6th, 2016 at 15:47 by Talen

  5. Story Recap from 10/22/16

    [QUOTE=Talen;295854][B]Betram Gallahad[/B], the head of the lodge in London, approached the team to reach out to [B]Randall Pierce[/B], a wealthy industrialist in a recruitment effort to shore up the lodge's resources in response to the number of kidnappings that have occurred throughout England and Europe. Pierce presented as a strong candidate to accept given he recently survived a werewolf attack - surviving only because a group of 3 Londonites happened upon the scene resulting in the werewolf ...
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