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  1. 2 Approaches Cheat Sheet

    # Solo Gameplay Approaches

    Game Master and Player Approach described here are not separate approaches. They compliment each other and you'll need to use elements from both approaches as you play -with the exception of how you want to start your game, described in #1 of each approach.

    Player Approach Game Master Approach

    Updated Today at 11:15 by Tempered7

    Solo Play Cheat Sheets
  2. Starter Cheat Sheet 1

    This is just the summary of starter knowledge. More Cheat Sheets will come later.

    # Solo Play Rules

    1. Engage in YOUR OWN story, for YOUR OWN entertainment.
    2. The Golden Rule is FUN: If it's fun for you, then go for it.
    3. K.I.S.S: Keep It Short and Simple.
    4. What Will Happen Next? Keep your PC in situations that makes you ask this.
    5. Minimum Prep, Maximum Action.
    6. Start by Setting Your First Scene in the Mode of Play of your choice.
    7. Use The Core Gameplay Loop to create

    Updated Today at 11:24 by Tempered7

    Solo Play Cheat Sheets
  3. Gwydion's 2d6 Dungeon Quick Start Guide

    Today's guide is for Gwydion's Free 2d6 Dungeon Conversion (Level 1 Only) in Xcore ruleset. It is originally from Toby Lancaster's DR Games. A great entry point to olden times' gritty and action packed Dungeon Crawlers. Soloing it can also teach you how to be a GM and create dungeons and encounters on-the-fly.

    It'll require you to draw randomly generated dungeon rooms and their contents (in text) into the starting map, depending on random rolls. You can also use your favorite dungeon ...

    Updated Today at 07:27 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images
  4. The Adventurer's Toolbox (Paid Module)

    D&D 5E ONLY

    Since Mythic GM Emulator can be used with any setting, I started my guide with it. But if you want to play D&D 5E and need lots of tables, a method for Solo D&D, and a simple oracle all-in-one, 25$ The Toolbox module can meet the demand.

    NOTE: This module can only be used within D&D 5e ruleset. It has links to 2014 core books (DMG, MM) and without an update, 2024 core books will not be supported.

    NOTE 2:
    You'll need 2014 versions ...

    Updated September 2nd, 2024 at 10:33 by Tempered7

    Solo Play Resources
  5. Consequences Table

    For players who want to learn more about the usage of consequences in their Solo Sessions, I made a quick table. You can use it as a cheat sheet to find out about your PC's actions if you're stuck.

    # About Choices
    "Strategy is making tough choices with incomplete data."
    We all make our own choices in life with what we have in our arsenal. Sometimes they are right sometimes they prove to be wrong. Making tough choices require wisdom but the problem is that ...

    Updated Today at 07:56 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
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