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  1. Freeform Association

    Do you remember the epic plot twist in 1995 crime thriller "The Usual Suspects" where a crippled con-artist called Verbal (Kevin Spacey) created the legend of a shadowy crime lord Kayser Söze in front of a US Customs Agent?

    Freeform Association is an improvisation method where you link randomly generated words into a coherent (piece of a) story. Just as in Improv Theater. This is a part of content creation method, and not a standalone way to make up your story. You'll only ...

    Updated August 17th, 2024 at 06:29 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  2. The Core Solo Gameplay Loop

    Note: This is the most abstract form of the method so you might need to fill in the blanks with your content at hand.

    The context can be about your PC, an NPC, a place, monster, or their actions, their states, their dispositions... Anything you want to reveal in the story.
    If this is your First Scene, the Context is Your Player Characters and/or their Background Story

    1 -
    ASK a YES / NO question
    about something you don't ...

    Updated August 17th, 2024 at 14:03 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  3. Setting Your First Scene

    If you did everything right in Preparation Phase, you should have some sort of conflict or direction for your PC by now. Remember the main goal of your PC and use it as a gateway to create conflict in your first scene to resolve. Don't let your PC easily achieve the main goal, yet.

    # Setting the First Scene

    Start by **Setting Your First Scene** depending on the place and your PC's situation in it. You can use any Mode of Play for this: maps, theater of mind, typing, ...

    Updated August 25th, 2024 at 02:53 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  4. Journalling In Solo Play

    If you want to play one-shots, there is no need for recording in Solo Play. But if you decide to play a long campaign, you'll need some form of recording to be consistent. Don't just think of it as in text form. You can also list only the things in your scenes OR keep a audio / video journal.

    # Why Journaling?

    • To get yourself up to speed in later sessions
    • Solidify your PCs' actions and give them a meaning in the game world
    • Enrich your campaign with readily

    Updated August 27th, 2024 at 05:19 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  5. Modes of Play in Solo RPGs

    ## Modes of Play

    1. FGU Maps and Visual Aids: Self explanatory. You can combine this with other modes to keep things more spicy.
    2. Theater of MIND: by simply imagining with your inner eye and thinking with your inner voice. You can use (ambiance) music without lyrics, prepared pictures to keep you in the mood and spark your imagination.
    3. Typing into CHAT in character. FGU comes in handy for this. /gmid command changes your GM name to anything. And you can speak as any character. You

    Updated September 2nd, 2024 at 11:30 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
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