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  1. Test Release v3.3.2

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post

    • Main window and desktop panel positions saved on exit, and restored on start.
    • Sharing state of read-only module content will be remembered between sessions.
    • Campaign passwords can be changed during a session by using the /password chat command.
    • [CoreRPG+] Page navigation buttons added to reference manuals and reference manual pullout pages.
    • [CoreRPG+] Reference manuals and reference manual pullout pages support window re-use when clicking on reference manual
  2. Tomb of Annihilation by Wizard of the Coast


    Screen Shot 09-10-17 at 09.21 PM.PNG

    First Impressions: 4 Stars, 42/50 Points
    I’m really excited about this adventure and I really like how this product has been arranged in Fantasy Grounds. Simply put, there is a massive amount of content that has been expertly put together into what promises to be an exciting adventure and a great resource for expansion and/or homebrew creation.

    The DM and Player ...

    Updated September 11th, 2017 at 05:59 by LordEntrails

    Review , Adventures
  3. Join Fantasy Grounds College: Learn Fantasy Grounds, learn D&D, and then play!

    Quote Originally Posted by Laerun View Post
    Feeling lost? Struggling to find a community where you can learn or use Fantasy Grounds without being judged for being a noob? Really want to play D&D online but have no idea where to start? Have some experience to offer and just want some like-minded people to share it with?

    Join our Discord Server! https://discord.gg/mutam7v

    Fantasy Grounds College is a Discord community of amazing guys and gals who will help you both LEARN and PLAY Fantasy Grounds (and whatever
    Tags: learn 2 play
  4. How Smiteworks and Fantasy Grounds CHANGED (SAVED?) MY LIFE!

    by , September 7th, 2017 at 20:16 (Rob2e's "Fantasy Grounds - The Experience!")
    Hey, everyone.

    Those that know me already have this information, but some may not know...

    Three years ago in August 2014, I had a liver transplant. While I was under the knife for 11 hours, my mother passed away. DURING SURGERY! Amazing. Tragic.

    I had my surgery in Seattle, I was in the hospital 58 days. I came back to Spokane on Thanksgiving 2014 and proceeded to start my recovery through the holidays. I spent the first 3/4 of 2015 "looking ...
  5. Campaign building 101

    The common mistake when building a first campaign is to start too big. You are full of ideas, write pages and pages of notes that too often you never got to use.

    You really only need the basic for the first adventure. First a location often a village. What do you really need to know about that village. Let's call our village Douland.

    In Douland you can find a mill near the river, a small inn where the farmers go get a drink after a day of work with a few rooms for ...
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