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  1. What is Solo Play

    Remember those old timey "Choose Your Own Adventure" books with lots of different paths to the story and depending on your choices, you jump to a different page to learn what happens next? Solo Play is just like that, and much more, thanks to all the methods and tools available for us in today's world.

    Solo RPG Play is engaging in an interactive story by using Tabletop Roleplaying Game rules and Random Content Creation Methods, in which you are both the Game Master and the ...

    Updated August 17th, 2024 at 07:55 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  2. Solo Play in FGU - Intro

    Greetings, kind folks of the forums,

    In this blog series, I'm going to discuss many ways to Play Solo in Fantasy Grounds Unity for you. Whether you want to create your own setting as-you-go, or play a published adventure by yourself, if I can help you have fun time with this hard-to-get-into play style, I will be happy as much as you. Thanks to Soloing Methods that creates immersion and surprise in your story, it will be just a breeze once you grasp the basics. I will also list many ...

    Updated September 7th, 2024 at 07:25 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  3. No excuses!!!

    Only an explenation.

    Oddly enough ... The only comments I have received of late is that I have seemingly abanded my blog.

    Interesting ...

    Who knew anyone is reading it.

    So let me catch you up on what's been going on ...


    My best friend from Jr. High. still play RPGs together. He is currently wanting to run Traveller in Fantasy Grounds. Here's the hitch. ...
  4. I think guillermo del toro is reading my mind!!!

    Or maybe it's the other way around.

    I have been busy doing the leg work for putting into Fantasy Grounds the Black Sword Hack rule system. I wish someone who knew what they were doing had this task. I think mine will be functional ...
    but it sure isn't going to be pretty.

    But I'm kind of glad to be stepping away from D&D after what they have been putting in of late. And this system, well ... I really like the character creation process and the customization ...
  5. Inquiring minds want to know ???

    Hi Everyone!

    It's been a bit. I have been working hard of late working on cobbling a useable version of an OSR game, that is not on the ones offered in FG. I'm hoping this one is more exceptable to my group. Jim kind of put the kabosh on Dungeon Crawl Classic. Short and sweet ... Jim said' "I will NEVER play that game!" I wish I had known that before I made the investment. Jim is not the most polite indivigual. Personally I think it was that DCC is not optimized for mid ...
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