Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    Sundered Skies Tokens

    Hi again,

    I have another question: Where can I get Sundered Skies tokens? I know that TAG published a few figure flats to print on paper, but did not find any digital figure flats or tokens. Any ideas? Or is it possible to created tokens from the TAG paper figure flats? Any experiences?

    Thanks again for your help!

  2. #2
    Doswelk's Avatar
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    Surrey, UK
    If you have bought the PDF Sundered Skies figure flats you can make your own.

    Depending on how "secure" the pdf you may be able to copy and paste the images into a graphics package (I use GIMP but there are numerous others) size them how you want and save them as PNG files.

    If the PDF does not allow image copy then you may have to screen grab the images and edit them in a graphics package.

    That said when Sundered Skies (for FGII) is released I'm sure the Tokens will not not far behind!
    My players just defeated an army, had a dogfight with aliens, machine-gunned the zombies, stormed the tower, became Legendary and died heroically

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    Get Savage
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  3. #3
    I created few tokens just to test how it could be done (Paint Shop Pro). It was quite easy(I didn't make them at right scale, as I noticed afterwards), I just created different sized bases and then screen capture->select->edit a little if necessary->attach on suitable base.

    Last edited by Lurius; February 17th, 2010 at 21:20.

  4. #4
    Thanks for your replies. So I will try to create my own tokens with the TAG flats. Does anybody knows when the SuSk set for FG2 will be released? And another question with regard to tokens and maps: When ever I activate a grid on a map the grid is kind of incomplete, i.e. parts of the grid are lacking. Is this normal? Why does this happen? Thanks again!


  5. #5
    I used RPTools TokenTool on the figure flats.

  6. #6
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Sundered Skies is in review currently and will hopefully be coming out by early next week as long as it looks good. This is the 2nd review, so I expect it will go smoothly.

  7. #7
    I created my own set of tokens from TAG flats yesterday, but an official version would be nice too. Will the tokens be based on the TAG figure flats or are they made from new material? Thanks!

  8. #8
    Doswelk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Surrey, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by sunfest
    I created my own set of tokens from TAG flats yesterday, but an official version would be nice too. Will the tokens be based on the TAG figure flats or are they made from new material? Thanks!
    Historically they were based on the flats...
    My players just defeated an army, had a dogfight with aliens, machine-gunned the zombies, stormed the tower, became Legendary and died heroically

    Yours are still on combat round 6

    Get Savage
    Ultimate License Holder.
    First GM to post a game for the original FG Con!

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