1. #1

    White Haired Man releases The Nine Towers & The Hideout

    Our latest releases "The Nine Towers" and "The Hideout" are now available through the Fantasy Grounds store.

    "The Nine Towers" picks up shortly after where "The Missing Harvesters" left off. "The Nine Towers" is our third adventure offering set in Kith'takharos. Our rules agnostic "Kith'takharos Campaign Setting" is available for free at www.whitehairedman.com. Kith'takharos may be conveniently located in any remote swamp area of your fantasy game world.

    "The Nine Towers" is capable of stand alone play or may be run as part of a series of adventures involving the "Kith'takharos Campaign Setting".

    "The Hideout" is the first Simple Scenario we've published. It is designed for a single game session. Easy to understand and use on the fly this Simple Scenario may be used with the "Kith'takharos Campaign Setting" or as a stand alone adventure.

    White Haired Man adventures products are designed for FGII and include a ready to print PDF. Currently, we support the OGL/3.5 and Savage Worlds Rulesets.

    Customer reviews:

    "A well written adventure... I have now bought all the Savage Worlds products White Haired Man has made, based on the quality of this first adventure (and I am not disappointed by them either!)

    I bought this (along with the setting module), to help me run my first Fantasy Savage Worlds Campaign, I have run modern/pulp and sci-fi without problems, but how to stage fantasy for some reason was a little daunting.

    This adventure written for Novice Characters was a perfect start (my group started with 0 XP)" - Kevin Doswelk

    "Kith'takharos is a fairly unique campaign setting. Don't think of it as a campaign world, it is more of a micro-setting to be dropped in a larger world (assuming your players are concerned about the larger world and not just their immediate surroundings). Most if not all of the "fluff" (not system specific) info contained in this download can be found on the White Haired Man website. Game stats in this module is for the 3.5 rules. There is enough here to get a GM thinking about future plot hooks. It is, however, not your usual Forgotten Realms / Greyhawk / Kalamar/ etc. environment. It may not work for everyone so do yourself a favor and go to their website first and get a free view of sorts. At $3.50 this module is a bargain. Then again, the "crunchless" fluff available on the website is even moreso - Eric Stein"

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Andugus
    Our latest releases "The Nine Towers" and "The Hideout" are now available through the Fantasy Grounds store.

    "Kith'takharos is a fairly unique campaign setting. Don't think of it as a campaign world, it is more of a micro-setting to be dropped in a larger world (assuming your players are concerned about the larger world and not just their immediate surroundings). Most if not all of the "fluff" (not system specific) info contained in this download can be found on the White Haired Man website. Game stats in this module is for the 3.5 rules. There is enough here to get a GM thinking about future plot hooks. It is, however, not your usual Forgotten Realms / Greyhawk / Kalamar/ etc. environment. It may not work for everyone so do yourself a favor and go to their website first and get a free view of sorts. At $3.50 this module is a bargain. Then again, the "crunchless" fluff available on the website is even moreso - Eric Stein"
    Wow, i wrote that over a year ago

    Course, it seems you changed my name to protect the... innocent? heh

    Erik Stiene. I stand by my review, it was a very good product at an extremely fair price.
    Tenkar's Tavern
    A Blog About RPGs n' Stuff

  3. #3
    Please accept my apology for butchering your name Mr. Erik Stiene. Thanks for taking the time to point it out to me. It's worth noting that your name received a full makeover. I "adjusted" both portions of your name to my own personal experience.

    Great to hear from you again!

    P.S. If you'd like to review any of our other products send me a PM with your email. I'll shoot you a copy to review.

  4. #4
    Heh. No worries. At work I'm always spelling my name to others by saying "Stine with an extra 'e' in the middle"
    Tenkar's Tavern
    A Blog About RPGs n' Stuff

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