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  1. #11
    If you are looking to learn how to GM Seven Worlds on FGVTT I would be happy to spend some time with you. Since I did the conversion for it I have unique perspective on how it was put together and intended to be used.

    In addition I actually would love to get feedback from another GM on it since mileage varies on how things can be done and the suggestions for improvements and/or insight into how things could be done would be welcome.

    Feel free to DM me here or on the Discord channel.

  2. #12

  3. #13
    I googled it. Thanks, though. I was a little lost, but I'm OK now.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Arsilon View Post
    If you are looking to learn how to GM Seven Worlds on FGVTT I would be happy to spend some time with you. Since I did the conversion for it I have unique perspective on how it was put together and intended to be used.

    In addition I actually would love to get feedback from another GM on it since mileage varies on how things can be done and the suggestions for improvements and/or insight into how things could be done would be welcome.

    Feel free to DM me here or on the Discord channel.
    I've actually GMed the Deluxe Version at the tabletop. Hit me with any question you may have!

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Madcap2112 View Post
    I've actually GMed the Deluxe Version at the tabletop. Hit me with any question you may have!
    My questions are primarily around your experience using the FG conversion. Given how much of Seven Worlds deviates from core Savage Rules rules certain accommodations were made to make it work here. I converted it based on how I chose to play it and GM it. Most of the decisions I discussed (especially for the SWADE conversion) with the author so I don't think any of it is 'incorrect'. But other GM's mileage will vary so mostly looking for that type of feedback on necessary or even suggested tweaks.

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