1. #1

    Adventure modules with PHB2024

    Hi guys,
    I’m new here. I used to play dnd 3.5 during my Highschool. Lately I really missed it either playing or dming. I got essentials set and run a session for my girlfriend and her son. We all had a blast. Since we don’t live together and can see each other mostly during weekends. I looked up for some online options. I got FGU ultimate PHB 2024 and MM 2024, since those are the newest and all the new adventures etc. are going to be compatible with it.

    Now my question is how is it gonna work with adventure modules that were made with 2014 in mind, like lost mines of phandelver,waterdeep dragon heist or descent into avernus ?

    Is it gonna work fine or I’m gonna have some hard time with linking and such ?
    Last edited by Jazzyk; March 6th, 2025 at 14:44.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Yep, it will work fine. You can mix legacy and 2024 content in a single campaign. The legacy adventure modules will have the NPC stat blocks in the legacy format, but everything will still work. You could toggle the stat block to 2024, but then a few things will get hidden that you might want to see or have access to. I can't remember exactly what those are though.

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  3. #3
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    As LE says above the 2014 modules will work just fine with the 2024 rules. Also as he says all of the NPCs are included in the adventure modules so you don't need the 2014 versions of any of the core books.

    However if you want to use the 2024 monsters in a 2014 adventure you will have to replace all of the NPCs in each encounter; and link those NPCs onto any maps if the encounter is a pre-placed one.
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  4. #4
    Dang, I was hoping LE's method was going to work, which I thought was the desired effect of toggling the Legacy and 2024 version at the bottom of the NPC stat block, but it only changes to format of the stats (like STR DEX etc.) but not the actual actions. I was hoping for example I could load an encounter from an older adventure, add the encounter to the tracker, unlock the NPCs and toggle the version, but that isn't a solution.

    I tested this in Curse of Strahd in the 09.01.T2 Demon Statues encounter with vrocks, but when they are toggled to 2024, the attacks and abilities like Stunning Screech stay as the legacy DC14 (and older verbiage) rather than the 2024 DC15 and new lingo. This occurs both when changing the version in the encounter before loading to the Combat Tracker as well as once they are already on the Combat Tracker. Manually placing a 2024 version in the CT and toggling back to Legacy also doesn't change the actions to the legacy version.

  5. #5
    The data would have to be updated when you switch there is no automation in converting the record to either version.
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  6. #6
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I did not mean to imply that changing the toggle on an orc from a 2014 source would update it to the orc from the 2024 MM. As you noticed, it simple changes the format of the stat block, and as mentioned, there are some fields that will not be shown and some that would be blank etc.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyrian View Post
    Dang, I was hoping LE's method was going to work, which I thought was the desired effect of toggling the Legacy and 2024 version at the bottom of the NPC stat block, but it only changes to format of the stats (like STR DEX etc.) but not the actual actions. I was hoping for example I could load an encounter from an older adventure, add the encounter to the tracker, unlock the NPCs and toggle the version, but that isn't a solution.

    I tested this in Curse of Strahd in the 09.01.T2 Demon Statues encounter with vrocks, but when they are toggled to 2024, the attacks and abilities like Stunning Screech stay as the legacy DC14 (and older verbiage) rather than the 2024 DC15 and new lingo. This occurs both when changing the version in the encounter before loading to the Combat Tracker as well as once they are already on the Combat Tracker. Manually placing a 2024 version in the CT and toggling back to Legacy also doesn't change the actions to the legacy version.
    The only thing that can be done is to prepare and adjust the encounters ahead of time and swap out the old NPCs and reset the token placement locations onto the map. I believe these things, as well as balancing the encounters, are going to be up to the GMs to adjust, adapt, or mix and match legacy vs 2024+ content.
    I don't imagine or even think any publishers are going to go back and retroactively change out or swap older adventures with newer content.
    I believe that newer content will contain the newer changes going forward, however, there are no official adventures yet until this fall coming from WotC. The latest SRD is not released yet, so not much 3rd party content or Kickatarters either. End users will have to fill the void until more products can be released later this year...
    Last edited by Laerun; Today at 11:37.
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