March 6th, 2025, 21:10 #11
Should have a ruleset and the core books up on the Forge in the next few weeks. The ruleset won't be very slick, yet, but it's a work in progress. Just need some combat tracker improvements and Starship objects created and I think we will release it. Been using it in our group since the beginning of the year.
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Yesterday, 22:19 #12
Damned, your extension is proving to be excellent - really appreciate it! It works flawlessly with both the Mongoose Traveller 2e and Cepheus Engine rulesets - the 2 most important for me. It doesn't however work with SWADE, and I haven't tested it with SWD yet. What I'm doing is an attempt to adapt the Battletech-Alpha Stike rules to FGU. For targeting, those rules use a SATOR mnemonic: attacker's Skill + Attacker's movement modifier + Target's movement modifiier + Other modifers (mostly terrain, partial cover & Heat) + Range modifer. Many of those are typically dynamic, so manually inputting them into a box is more practical.
I've resized your target box and renamed the caption to "Alpha Strike TN". I also changed the IF..Else IF statement that displays degrees of difficulty in the chat window to be better aligned with CE. Such result degrees aren't really used with AS, but it's nice to have chat ouput align with core CE. Originally I had the idea that I'd read the special "Alpha Strike" skill (works opposite to MgT2e and CE skills, in that a lower score is better) from a character sheet and then have the keyed in modifer added to it. I now realize that your box would really have to be on a PC and NPC sheet to work, as it'd error out when a PC or NPC sheet for it to read from wasn't open. Also, since only the Host can input the TN modifier, it'd have to read the CT to know who the current player is, then read its CS Alpha Strike score - don't know if that's easily doable, or even doable?
I of course have other issues, in that a few AS stats and tracks are missing from Vehicle sheet. As well, fixed damage (1d0+#) rolls don't work from the CE vehicle sheet [Actions] tab, or from the PC sheet [Ships] tab, where PC embarked vehicles like walkers or tanks are also displayed. Ideally, I want to roll damage from vehicle sheets, as that's the way it's done in AS. In that regard, your Target box on the desktop is a more workable approach. The best thing about CE, is that Bayne has found a way to allow vehicles in the CT, which is a big factor in making AS feasible. I will mention the vehicle sheet roll to Bayne.Last edited by kronovan; Today at 21:43.
Today, 22:18 #13
I did it this way because the GM sets the Target Number.
If you were doing it from charsheet and players could set the TN you could remove GMEDITONLY and by it being on charheet you would not need to setPublic.
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