Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Inventory Error (unidentified control)

    When my players open their Inventories or open an item we get this error:
    window: Control (identified_label) anchoring to an undefined control (right anchor) in window class (charsheet_inventory)

    We are running DnD 4e ruleset.
    Ultimate Edition Currently running Gamma World 7e

  2. #2
    Your screenshot shows you are using extensions. Remove all extensions to see if that fixes the problem. If that works, add the extensions individually to find out which is causing the errors.

  3. #3
    Ok, looks like it was the 4E Unidentified Item Tracker extension. It doesn't like the extra column in the inventory.
    Thank you for reminding me to check extensions.
    Ultimate Edition Currently running Gamma World 7e

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