Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #131
    I saw that someone earlier noted that this extension no longer works with CNC, possibly because there are now 2 CNC sets to choose from. I had to switch to the non-Legacy set, and don't see this extension anymore.
    I know it's been some time since anyone has visited this thread, but hopefully there is still some movement going on.
    Thank for all you do!

  2. #132

  3. #133
    Hope all is well. Looks like the most recent interactions with Hero Points 5e and MadNomad's Character Sheet Tweeks are causing some issues.

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  4. #134
    I too am looking for this feature.

  5. #135
    Quote Originally Posted by Taralas View Post
    Hope all is well. Looks like the most recent interactions with Hero Points 5e and MadNomad's Character Sheet Tweeks are causing some issues.

    Ran into this issue last night in our first game in a while. Rather disappointing.

  6. #136
    Just wanted to report that since the 2024-03 update this is causing a second instance of the Name field on the 4E character sheet. Editing either one edits both instances.

    Tested with a new campaign with only this extension enabled.
    Discord: skelekon#6366
    Reddit: skelek0n

  7. #137

    Hero points not available in Castles and Crusades

    I can't find the option for Hero points in Castles and Crusades.

  8. #138
    I was really excited when I saw this. It isn't available in Mutants and Masterminds? I assumed that was based on CORERPG.
    GM Ultimate license

    Running The DemonPlague (module in the forge) Characters at level 16.

    Running a Mutants and Masterminds game in FGU

    Playing a Savage Worlds Super game in FGU

    Running a game of StarFinder.

    Waiting on Children of the Atom

    Playing Champions with Extension from the Forge.

  9. #139
    Sadly with the new character sheet updates in Pathfinder 1st, this extension now breaks the character sheet.

  10. #140
    Still broken, please fix it!

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