5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #11
    As of today, we have two available seats for our game. Since the group still has 1st level characters, any new players will begin at 1st level with 0 exp. The group really needs a couple of fighter types (as they have lost their only fighter). My seats tend to fill up fast when I list them (as I use several media outlets), so if you see this send me a message about your interest and a little bit about yourself. Please include what type of campaign you're interested in joining as well the types you have no interest in participating in.
    Roleplaying since the 1984. I own an Ultimate License in both Classic and Unity. I have ran games mainly, but have played in many as well, throughout my years. I am willing to run either text only games or use voice (default) using Discord.

  2. #12

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