1. #1

    Shadow of the Weird Wizard?

    I am assuming not, but is there any chance we will see support for Schwalb's PG-13 reimagining of SOTDL, Shadow of the Weird Wizard? The overwhelming majority of the rules are the same, with the biggest tweaks being in the path levels (and ancestries), the more dynamic health/damage system, and how magic is handled for spell castings. Most of the rest is pretty similar. Honestly, I could probably make it work with just templates for ancestries and paths that hit at the new levels that I could fill in. The rest we could figure out a shorthand way to track it and the combat initiative change is easy enough as is with the current tracker. Luck rolls don't really need any automation, though it would be nice when it comes to removing afflictions and whatnot.

    Anyway, we are looking at it as a group for the next campaign, so I figured I would ask.

  2. #2
    I came here to ask the same question. It is a great system I would 100% support it on FG if it were available.

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