Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #41
    Hello, Thank you Bayne, now it's work again with any a NPC.

    I have a question , how NPC could use parry ?

  2. #42
    there is a parry effect you can use that. PARRY:#

  3. #43
    ok thank you.

    i tried it and i saw that attack is not reduce by the parry value : is it normal ?

    Example : PARRY:35 attack roll is +70


  4. #44
    You put parry on the attacker. It is a defenders effect

  5. #45
    i understand that if the NPC/Character use parry (to parry an attack with his weapon) he must reduce the value for his CMB by the value of the parry, agree or not ?

    The rule say :
    Parrying means sacrificing one’s offensive capabilities during combat to protect oneself. The word “Parry” here is used as a catch-all term for all conscious defensive attempts made by a character, such as shield blocks, dodges, or evasions.

    When characters Parry, they subtract any number up to their total CMB and add the same amount to their DEF for the current Round against one or more incoming attacks.

  6. #46
    Parry is a defensive effect. For the attacker he should apply parry via the combat tab. it will set the effect on him and adjust the roll.

  7. #47
    If an NPC is parrying use the modifier box at bottom of your desktop to adjust your roll.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    If an NPC is parrying use the modifier box at bottom of your desktop to adjust your roll.
    Sure... no way it's automatic ?

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