Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #31
    Sorry, just seeing your reply. Those buttons are not available under Armor or Body categories. Understandable, as there are no specialties in the base game. It is for additional specialties from the Grievous Grimoire.

  2. #32
    The lists are functionally the same that allow you to add your own. They are Rollable skills. If it is under body and there is any sort of automation then that is not coded. The body section is not a rollable skill.

  3. #33
    I have a question , do you always maintain the code ?
    I download the ruleset, but i am getting an error with the items.
    When i add an item to the character or open any item , i am getting an error.
    Could you fix it or is it possible to fix it by myself ?

  4. #34
    I do! I will take a look. That was deprecated and looks like I missed it.

  5. #35

  6. #36
    Hello, it fixed ! Thank You.

    Now i have another issue and it's strange.

    In the combat tracker whith an NPC when i select a target, it say 'cannot find weapon attack table, check your weapon'.

    If i unselect the target , it works well. I tried differents npc.

  7. #37
    Can you tell me which NPC you are using? Is it out of the core book? I need a lot more information to help you here. Screenshots would be best.

  8. #38
    for example : mercenary 3 target dice bear : bug.JPG

  9. #39
    That is the merc attacking or the bear?

  10. #40
    I went in and cleaned up some code. I was able to reproduce it but not with the mercenary. Run and update and see if that fixes it for you. I would do things a lot different if I was doing this ruleset again. At this point though I want to just keep it working

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