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  1. #1

    Are New Titles Being Released on FGU?

    Have not seen any of the new releases from Chaosium show up on FGU... is COC still being supported?

  2. #2
    I think only if someone in the CoC user community makes the module for Smiteworks.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    I think I'd like to see complete rules at minimum. I could live without new adventures, because it's easy to add my own handouts, but there are a few very important rulebooks missing:

    - the bestiary - like... imagine trying to play D&D without the Monster Manual. Can't explain why it's not in store if CoC is supposed to be officially supported game. Sole reason I'm not playing CoC online. It's the resorce where you find most important info about the monsters, gods and different adventure ideas.
    - cults - book explaining how to create adversaries for the players.
    - through the ages - small book with rules for different settings.
    - investigator's guide for gaslight - with the equipment for playing in the 1800s
    Last edited by Kraghtnar; February 18th, 2025 at 08:49.

  5. #5
    It seems to me that Chaosium has given up on fgu. No more talks about Runequest, nothing Pendragon and nothing about our beloved Cthulhu mythos since Gateway to terror I think. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of CoC adventures and ressources for fgu. But this silence is worrisome, particularly because Chaosium is now on Foundry. What about Regency Cthulhu, Arkham, the Order of Stone, Harlem Unbound, a Time to Harvest, Cthulhu by Gaslight...
    I would start with the CoC Starter Set with a new theme and dices to encourage new players to discover this wonderful and exciting rpg.

  6. #6
    I don't know about giving up on Chaosium's part. They posted about Fantasy Grounds on their blog this month, and they are present on every major VTT. Maybe there's lack of communication between the companies or maybe not enough people to make modules for FGU? Either way, something should be done on SmiteWorks part to clarify the situation: are they planning on releasing anything more, or is CoC development stopped?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2021
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    Negative feedback loop, I would think; it's hard for somebody who mostly plays CoC to justify buying FGU (it's not a terribly crunchy ruleset that seems to need high-end automation, and FGU hasn't been keeping up with more recent first-party titles from Chaosium at all) and without that player base it's hard to justify developers working to convert CoC content for FGU.

  8. #8
    The users of FGU are probably mostly Americans. They play D&D and a little bit of Pathfinder. Here in France CoC is n°1, D&D second, in Japan they mostly play CoC.
    The great force of a vtt like Foundry is, and we don't speak of it sufficiently imho, is that it translate most of the contents automatically.
    So there is no incentive for Smithworks to convert rpg's that are not played a lot in USA. And they convert things that are only played in USA like GI Joe... From a foreigner eye it seems so strange!

  9. #9
    Well, Fantasy Grounds is an online business and when you check the report that roll20 used to publish, D&D is most popular with more than 50% of people playing it, and CoC is second most popular RPG online with 11.9%, third is Pathfinder 1&2 with 4.6% (data from 2021, but I imagine it didn't change much). I don't know how popular it is with FGU users, but there's a lot of potential customers if CoC gets actual support.

  10. #10
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    As mentioned in the second post above it's reliant on someone in the Community to develop the modules. Having said that there's only 1 title for CoC on the developer list out of a total of 555 products looking for a developer.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

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