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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by superteddy57 View Post
    As was pointed out by Moon Wizard, the subclasses are not hardcoded. The level 3 selection is static for 2024. Making a class and subclass are the same as suggested by Moon Wizard. I'm able to make my own 2024. None of them are hardcoded.

    Attachment 63502
    I'm not sure I understand what you mean by hardcoded. In your screenshot, did it automatically select that subclass for you? What if you wanted multiple selections for subclasses and wanted to give the player their choice in which they picked? It's straightforward in the 2014 version. But I still fail to see how to do the same in the 2024 version.

  2. #12
    Yes, it was the only one in the subclass list and automatically selected it since it's the only one, but gives me a choice if I have multiple subclasses created. These are on the GM side and would have to be shared with players or put into a player module.

    Screenshot from 2025-02-18 14-03-24.png
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  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by superteddy57 View Post
    Yes, it was the only one in the subclass list and automatically selected it since it's the only one, but gives me a choice if I have multiple subclasses created. These are on the GM side and would have to be shared with players or put into a player module.

    Screenshot from 2025-02-18 14-03-24.png
    Regretfully I'm still not able to replicate this feat of engineering in the 2024 edition. I've tried following all the guides here to a tee and continue running into the same problem. The subclasses do not appear when I hit level 3.

    Screenshot 2025-02-18 144329.png

    The 2014 version is vastly more straightforward and simple to accomplish this with.

  4. #14
    Ok, reviewing the code; it looks like the 2024 keys off a feature ending in "subclass".

    So, add a 3rd level feature titled "Testing class Subclass" to your sample class. That was done to make sure that the subclass decision was tied to the specific feature for grouping. Probably look at splitting that off later, but it's a requirement for now.

    Apologies for the inaccuracies. We are used to working with the classes fully built out.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #15
    That did it! That was the trick. I appreciate the time you spent troubleshooting this. Thank you to everyone for all of the help!

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