Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

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    Mar 2020
    Sammamish, WA, USA

    [Extension] Emotion Field for Legend of Ghost Mountain

    Legend of Ghost Mountain has an emotion stat used by both players and as a per encounter resource for GM's.

    Currently emotion is shown as a derived stat, which is correct for it's initial value but doesn't allow it to be edited. This extension makes it easy to change the field by putting an editable version at the top on the player sheet next to Conviction.

    For the GM, I've added a button on the Party Sheet to reset all players emotion to 3, for use at the start of the session.

    The Encounter object has been extended to have an emotion field for the Haunt Pool, and a button is there to copy this to the GM's Emotion pool at the same time you are adding the encounter to the combat tracker.

    The Desktop now has a GM Emotion widget, which shows the current GM emotion pool with radial buttons to add, subtract, zero, and roll 2d4 to set the emotion.


  2. #2
    Great extension! Thanks
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  3. #3

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    Minor update to clean up the code after review.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by RickSaada View Post
    a derived stat, which is correct for it's initial value but doesn't allow it to be edited.
    Derived stats can be edited and can accept modifiers from effect system as well. However that being said I was never happy with the editing process. What you doing here is much better.

    However what you might not be aware of is this is a growing problem in Savage Worlds. Savage Pathfinder is littered with class specific special points that need to be accounted for and there is another setting coming up that will have mutiple Derived stats used for counting points gained in play. Any help is appreciated.
    Last edited by Lonewolf; March 4th, 2025 at 01:29.
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  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonewolf View Post
    Derived stats can be edited and can accept modifiers from effect system as well. However that being said I was never happy with the editing process. What you doing here is much better.

    However what you might not be aware of is this is a growing problem in Savage Worlds. Savage Pathfinder is littered with class specific special points that need to be accounted for and there is another setting coming up that will have mutiple Derived stats used for counting points gained in play. Any help is appreciated.
    Well what I meant by that is that you're changing the only version of the value if you right click and make changes. It's not tracking a "per session" copy with an easy way to reset it.

    It would be trivial to genericize "Haunt Pool" to "Encounter Pool" and Emotion to, um, Class Point? If it's a setting specific value maybe make an option that lets you name it, like setting the benny style.
    If it's different for every class? Hmmm, maybe we can look up a string on the class that defines it? Probably need to look up the number there too. One per class is pretty straightforward, sticking it where I do for Emotion. But supporting multiple setting specific derived stats in a reasonable/extensible way is more of a design challenge. Would these need to go on their own tab? Re-layout the character sheet to support an extensible number of these? Hmmm. How many are we talking?

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