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  • Beta Quadrant Guide

    26 63.41%
  • Command Division

    7 17.07%
  • Science Division

    3 7.32%
  • Iconic NPCs

    5 12.20%
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  1. #11
    Definitely need the Beta Quadrant. Alpha and Beta are both pretty much core world books, with the Federation occupying space in both of them. Besides that the Division books are a must-have. The rest is pretty much just expansion content.

  2. #12
    I would like to vote for Utopia. Add in all the ship frames, different weapon types, all the new ship profiles.

    Just so much content pulled together from multiple sources

  3. #13
    I'm wondering why the Player's Guide wasn't included in the poll? I recently got the STA:PG PDF and it's a terrific resource for players. The non-starfleet PC roles really open up other possibilites for characters and the 40 new talents are nice choices.
    The 2nd DLC I typically buy for any FG ruleset I own, is the Player's Guide/Player's Handbook equivalent - PHB for D&D 5e, Advanced Player's Guide for PF1e, setting-specific equivalent for Savage Worlds' settings, etc. Knowing how the useful content that's in the STA:PG, it'd be no different in my STA purchasing priorities. Afterall, I want to quickly achieve buy in from the player's for any campaign I run and a module that gives them some PC-specific tools and options helps.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by kronovan View Post
    I'm wondering why the Player's Guide wasn't included in the poll? I recently got the STA:PG PDF and it's a terrific resource for players. The non-starfleet PC roles really open up other possibilites for characters and the 40 new talents are nice choices.
    The 2nd DLC I typically buy for any FG ruleset I own, is the Player's Guide/Player's Handbook equivalent - PHB for D&D 5e, Advanced Player's Guide for PF1e, setting-specific equivalent for Savage Worlds' settings, etc. Knowing how the useful content that's in the STA:PG, it'd be no different in my STA purchasing priorities. Afterall, I want to quickly achieve buy in from the player's for any campaign I run and a module that gives them some PC-specific tools and options helps.
    I didn't have the PG when I made the Poll most likely.
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  5. #15
    Well one must admit in 2024 that this franchise is slowly dying as far as support by Fantasy Grounds. Nothing meaningful (ie Source books) is being release. Very sad.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Voxpopuli View Post
    Well one must admit in 2024 that this franchise is slowly dying as far as support by Fantasy Grounds. Nothing meaningful (ie Source books) is being release. Very sad.
    Things are in the pipeline. If you want to produce content contact Smiteworks and ask to start developing Star Trek modules
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  7. #17
    Some of these Star Trek PDFs are hundreds of pages and a lot of content to convert. Especially things like the Beta Quadrant Guide and Captain's Log. This year should see a bunch of stuff from me, and I think there are a couple of other people also working on Star Trek content.
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  8. #18
    Glad to hear stuff is coming soon!

  9. #19
    MassSailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felderburg View Post
    I would say do the quadrant guides then the division stuff (or whatever order of the remaining 6 of those books). That will cover a lot of the "base" mechanics and such, before getting to other campaign guides or modules.

    ...although the Shackleton Expanse book might be something to throw in soon, since it's the main setting that Modiphius ahs put out.
    For anyone still following this thread… Shackleton Expanse released today. Beta Quadrant has been submitted to Smiteworks for quality review - should be out in the next few weeks.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by MassSailor View Post
    For anyone still following this thread… Shackleton Expanse released today. Beta Quadrant has been submitted to Smiteworks for quality review - should be out in the next few weeks.
    Nice one. I have been snowed under with work so been very unproductive with FG.
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