Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by rocketvaultgames View Post
    While we are talking about grokability of options for new players... Can we only have Per-User options shown on the client side? Especially with Extensions, that would be a let less for them to be confronted with...

    ...or maybe an on/off of show/hide options they can't interact with anyway.

    I don't know what the perfect answer is for Options, but I think there is room for improvement.
    This is a good option. There is little reason for players to see those options when they go there. It should have another button they click to see the "server settings" which would be GM options, and the "User settings" which would be the per user options.

    I think as a player/user, when they open options they should see PER USER options only, without clicking something else to see the server settings.

  2. #62
    The original idea is that the Options for the table would be available to the players to review, below the options they can control (i.e. Per User).

    For the slowness, I believe part of the limitation is the Unity UI objects are quite heavy. Carl and I have some ideas that may or may not pan out around adjusting the UI to work faster; but the prototyping and investigation have not made the prioritization cut over other features/changes/game systems.


  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    The original idea is that the Options for the table would be available to the players to review, below the options they can control (i.e. Per User).

    For the slowness, I believe part of the limitation is the Unity UI objects are quite heavy. Carl and I have some ideas that may or may not pan out around adjusting the UI to work faster; but the prototyping and investigation have not made the prioritization cut over other features/changes/game systems.

    Thank you for this reply.

    To be clear... I don't want to sound like a demanding jerk... just want to make known what the pain points are for someone that is working in FG multiple hours most days and wants to take full advantage of everything that is possible (including extensions), and suggest possibilities for improvement.

    Sincere thanks for all you and the SW team do(es).

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    We have not tried to tackle Weapon Mastery as a whole feature to build out; but saw a good suggestion that allowed it to at least have a place to track. The players can open the details and mark which ones they have Mastery with, and even change after each Long Rest; which is more support than was available before.
    That is unfortunate. It's a bit like lipstick on a pig, where as something as a simple as string control somwhere could make it more like tasty bacon.

    With the alert feat feature are you planning on adjusting all the CT effects init to act on value of those actors that had their init swapped? Without it, the feature really isn't useful

  5. #65
    No plans to change the behavior; it does the same thing that Stv was trying to do. This is meant for standard D&D play; swap initiative once at beginning of combat.

    I believe there is already an extension that swaps effect values based on initiatives changing every turn. I've made that call be independent, so it can be overridden easily by extension developers.


  6. #66
    Farratto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    The original idea is that the Options for the table would be available to the players to review, below the options they can control (i.e. Per User).

    For the slowness, I believe part of the limitation is the Unity UI objects are quite heavy. Carl and I have some ideas that may or may not pan out around adjusting the UI to work faster; but the prototyping and investigation have not made the prioritization cut over other features/changes/game systems.

    I very much look forward to this if and when you all get a chance. Thank you

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    The original idea is that the Options for the table would be available to the players to review, below the options they can control (i.e. Per User).

    For the slowness, I believe part of the limitation is the Unity UI objects are quite heavy. Carl and I have some ideas that may or may not pan out around adjusting the UI to work faster; but the prototyping and investigation have not made the prioritization cut over other features/changes/game systems.

    Would the root cause of the 'slowness' of the Options window to load be the same as for the Effects window? That one takes Forever(TM) to load as well (if the CUSTOM list is well-populated).

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post

    For the slowness, I believe part of the limitation is the Unity UI objects are quite heavy. Carl and I have some ideas that may or may not pan out around adjusting the UI to work faster; but the prototyping and investigation have not made the prioritization cut over other features/changes/game systems.

    I'm thinking you found a solution here... Options/Effects/Party Sheet are all super snappy now even with tons of stuff loaded! Night and day difference.

    This is a massive improvement that will collectively save many, many hours of waiting and frustration in the long run.

    My most sincere thanks!!

    Performance improvements like this are soooo high on my list of importance. It's not just the time saved (which is still important) but the disruption to GM flow during a game. Waiting even an extra second for something to load can really pull you out of the moment when you are spinning all of the GM plates.

  9. #69
    Farratto's Avatar
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    I also noticed the snappiness and greatly appreciate it.

  10. #70

    For the pending 2025-02 Ruleset update; is there any tentative date? I know things are fluid due to testing, and might get pushed back, but an earliest date would be helpful.

    This way we can make sure everyone (players and DMs) can do one last update before the big new release.

    Some of the extensions are expecting issues and need some time to update their code.

    Thanks for all your hard work and being so responsive to the users. You guys at SmiteWorks really set the bar for communicating with your customers. I don't think most of the users realize how good you are with that.


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