Thread: 3D Map question

  1. #1

    3D Map question

    In the 3D view of the map, is is possible to have a floor at different heights? For example, a room where half of it is 5ft higher than the main part of the room?

  2. #2
    Not at this time.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by LargoVonBob View Post
    In the 3D view of the map, is is possible to have a floor at different heights? For example, a room where half of it is 5ft higher than the main part of the room?
    There's a feature request for it in the tracker: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php
    Search for "Multiple floor levels for 3D view"

    Personally (but feel free to disagree) I think that any 3D or pseudo-3D view that doesn't allow for some ways to show visually different elevations and platforms for characters and NPCs (balconies, staircases, crates that enemies jump on to, rocks etc) has very little use over a 2D map, even when limited to be used with theatre of the mind, so I really hope it will be implemented somehow soon.

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