Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #11
    The latest update appears to have resolved the issue that I was seeing. I'll defer to the OP to hear if they are still seeing their issue.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by cwsoots View Post
    The latest update appears to have resolved the issue that I was seeing. I'll defer to the OP to hear if they are still seeing their issue.
    I won't be able to check it out until at least tomorrow - Jan 11, maybe around 11am PST.
    fingers crossed.
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by cwsoots View Post
    The latest update appears to have resolved the issue that I was seeing. I'll defer to the OP to hear if they are still seeing their issue.
    Agreed that I'm no longer seeing extra occluder points appear when working on LOS walls. I was able to return to a map I'm working on and draw walls without issue, but dropping a door on an existing wall is 50/50, if it's a single line wall, the door deletes the wall correctly. IF I have two wall lines (think box inside a box) dropping a door that extends beyond the walls works correctly, but lining a door up with the walls only deletes one wall section, not both. Knowing this I can adjust how I build, so nap.

    *edit* That was a long way to say "it's better" I haven't finished My coffee yet.
    Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Give aid to those in need when you are able. Never follow thoughts of gain into the pursuit of evil, and never hesitate to kill the villain while you have the chance.

  4. #14
    Good day, I, running 4.6.5 ultimate, and I've been seeing the same issue with occluders popping up with the maps I've imported, I've tested maps from products I've purchased too.
    thank you.

  5. #15
    Can you be more specific on the issue you are seeing; and the steps to recreate?

    We're planning to release a fix this week for an issue where moving existing occluder points will create copies instead of just moving. If this is the issue you are mentioning (as noted by the previous poster), then no need to do anything as the fix is coming soon.


  6. #16
    thank you, it's been a month since the last post so i wasn't sure if it was a reoccurring bug or something new.

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