1. #1
    lawsonj2019's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    Bourne, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

    Extension: Ship's Locker

    One of the benefits of having your own ship as a crew is a ship's locker to put your cutlasses, vacc suits, and general survival gear in. In our adventures we used to keep track of this in a note or slack message, as there was nowhere to put these items in the MGT2 ruleset.

    I noticed on the Status tab of the PC Spacecraft sheet there was a fair amount of unused space...


    ...so I decided to write a little extension. I have given the PC spacecraft (charspacecraftsheet) a new inventory node (lockerlist) and used the space on the status page to add a simple inventory. Simply drag and drop items onto the list as per a usual inventory and this will be stored (in the db.xml) between sessions in the same way as for characters.


    I have not put any restrictions on the size, mass or quantities of items that can be put in there. It is pretty simple, so have a play around and I hope you find it useful.
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  2. #2
    Thanks for sharing. I've downloaded it and hopefully will get to make use of it soon (if our DnD campaign ever wraps up).

  3. #3
    Very useful ! Thank you lawsonj2019

  4. #4
    Thank you for this.

    Have you started the process to put it on The Forge? Will make it more discoverable and easier for updates.
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  5. #5
    Thank you for sharing. i just picked up the ruleset so am on the look out for stuff to add to it.

  6. #6
    Thank you for making this! You should consider adding it to the forge

    I was just trying it out and I noticed that when you move stuff to the ship locker it doesn't remove it from the player inventory and when you move something from the ship locker to a players inventory it doesn't remove it from the ship locker.
    Last edited by Aedus Amaterasu; February 16th, 2025 at 10:43.
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