1. #1

    Power Groups on the Actions Tab

    In the past, when assigning powers (feats, features, traits, etc) there was a box which displayed the name of the power group. On each individual power, i could change the name in that box which would, in turn; move the power to the new power group without need to add it again. it was a way i would organize the PCs sheets so that we knew what was where. Seems as though this has disappeared from the sheet. What way do we reassign powers that we might want in specifically named groups that might not conform to the standard naming conventions in FGU?

  2. #2
    If you click on the edit/unlock button, it will allow you to change the power group name.


  3. #3
    This refers only to the power group itself as far as i understand, but the individual powers under each heading i cannot move. is there no way now to move a power from one header to the next? Often my players drag things to the wrong location and now i dont know how to move that power the "easy" way anymore. I was intending to reorganize the powers for my players into sections that made more sense for the game. Reactions for instance would help my players more easily find only those things which are reactions. many of them have various reroll abilities and it might be nice to have those under a Reroll power group. Problem is if i drag and drop again, in some instances i will need to add the coding for the various effects again. this was simple before and is now seemingly impossible.

  4. #4
    That applies to the individual powers as well. The power group is the string field to the right of the power name.


  5. #5
    Ok, maybe i am being dense here, i do not see a string field next to the power name. Here is a picture of a brand new character's actions tab in a test campaign with no extensions whatsoever. I added one level of cleric just so that a power would populate.


    even when i change the cycler at the bottom, prep, standard, combat; there is no string field to the right of the power name.

  6. #6
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    As Moon Wizard said above you need to click on the edit button to see the fields you are talking about.
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    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  7. #7
    Thank you for showing me, i overlooked this repeatedly. Feeling dumb, but i wanted the answer.

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