1. #1551
    The ruleset is receiving updates with the current beta on the TEST server. So no updates will be going LIVE till that beta is complete.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

    How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide

    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  2. #1552
    Quote Originally Posted by Locotomo View Post
    What is a lockdown status?
    There are updates for FGU coming so updates to rulesets get frozen while those are being sorted out.
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  3. #1553
    I am no longer able to assign ship roles after the most recent update. Also, I am no longer able to build drones by adding them as vehicles. Drones are better with the regular character sheet so I think the loss of the drone sheet was intentional, but I definitely didn't expect to lose the ability to populate my ship. Specifically, the button under action on the ship tab on the character sheet is no longer appearing. Is this something on a fix list or is this part of an intentional change?

  4. #1554
    I'll have to look this over. Not sure why it's acting in this way.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

    How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide

    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  5. #1555
    Quote Originally Posted by bnmntj9 View Post
    I am no longer able to assign ship roles after the most recent update. Also, I am no longer able to build drones by adding them as vehicles. Drones are better with the regular character sheet so I think the loss of the drone sheet was intentional, but I definitely didn't expect to lose the ability to populate my ship. Specifically, the button under action on the ship tab on the character sheet is no longer appearing. Is this something on a fix list or is this part of an intentional change?
    I pushed a hotfix for this issue
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

    How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide

    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  6. #1556
    I updated to latest and am having a similar issue to bnmntj9 above. When I assign PCs to the ship, they appear as passenger. When I change their role to Pilot, Engineer, Science Officer, etc, the action button does not appear and the role does not change on the party sheet. If I add someone else to the ship, any roles I have set, reset back to passenger.

    Screenshot 2025-02-21 174853.png

  7. #1557
    Unfortunately, my issue not been resolved with the latest update either.Starfinder Issue 2212025.png

  8. #1558
    Quote Originally Posted by Markimedes View Post
    Looks like there are still a few issues to clean up regarding Mechs. Can you please help with these?

    1) Bonus damage on attacks: Melee attacks should be adding Teir+STR Mod, Ranged should only be adding Tier (Page 98 Tech Revolution). As you can see in my picture, this tier 5 mech with a 3 STR modifier is adding 8 to both melee and ranged attacks. I'm pretty sure this is related to another issue I've mentioned in the past that hasn't been fixed yet. When you first "equip" the mech, all actions import as melee. I can manually change it to ranged, which fixes the attack modifier, but the damage modifier seems stuck at whatever was originally there.
    Attachment 63306

    2) Stepping into the Mech: I've found the only way to get this to work properly is in the following order. If there is a better way, please let me know:
    1) Add player to combat tracker (make sure their token is no longer on the map)
    2) Equip Mech
    3) Fix Size & Reach on the combat tracker (this will reverse if they unequip and equip again)
    4) Now you can drag their token on the map
    5) Fix ranged actions so they're actually ranged (will reverse if they unequip and equip again. Also per point 1, damage modifier broken for ranged)

    This appears to mostly be working now. The only thing left, and it's small, is having the range on the Mech update when the player steps into it. (Currently stays at 5 when it switches to mech. I can manually change to 15 on the combat tracker, but then it stays 15 ft. when they get out of the mech).

  9. #1559
    I've did another push as I double checked and that is working on my end with the ship assignments. It might be best to remove the player and do a another drop to the ship. @Markimedes I'm still looking this over and will take a gander at it over the next few days to try and get a resolution by the weekly update.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

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    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  10. #1560
    I've tried just about everything I can think of including starting an entirely new campaign, changing my game type from cloud to LAN, creating new characters, etc. It may be worth mentioning that I use this software for solo play so I can't test whether players I'm hosting have the functionality, but it still isn't working for me like it was before the big update.

    On the plus side, I can still use all the ship builder functionality and can manually edit NPC ships to reflect those builds.

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