1. #1

    First in-person game using FGU went great!

    I used FGU on my laptop for my (DM) books and to share maps and images to a flat-screen client on the table running on a mini-pc. It helped to have the client have its own mouse and keyboard so one of the players moved the token/s.

    They all used DnDbeyond to roll up (it was just easier and they used their phones for player sheets and sometimes rolls) and I imported them from there to fgu. All players had never played before.

    Sharing images and battlemaps with fog-of-war etc... was perfect.

    I didn't use the combat tracker much at all. Just tracked stuff manually. I'll try to use it more next time. baby steps. :-)

    Overall I was pretty happy how easy it was.

  2. #2
    Fantastic and I was going to post something similar as our gaming hiatus apparently over and we have a session tomorrow that I’ll be doing the same, pc and tv on the table to share images and maps. Forgot how much I enjoy FGU and picked up a few books in the store today as well.

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