Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1151
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    Not sure if this will work but have you tried Ctrl-Enter to force a line break?
    Awesome! That works! Thanks Jiminimonka!

  2. #1152
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tabarkus View Post
    Here's a question, perhaps a request. Can you create paragraphs in the spell description fields, such as the General or Manifestation fields? If not, can that be added?

    I've attempted to do this by adding spaces to create an empty line but it doesn't copy over to the chat box properly and ends up all woppy-jawed.

    The General field now accepts formatted text, so you can do paragraphs, links, formatting (bold, italics), etc. The other fields are strings, so go with jiminimonka’s suggestion on those.

  3. #1153
    Now for the next question; is there a keyboard shortcut to force a line break in the spell "Results Table" fields? Ctrl-Enter doesn't work here; nor Shift-Enter.

  4. #1154
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tabarkus View Post
    Now for the next question; is there a keyboard shortcut to force a line break in the spell "Results Table" fields? Ctrl-Enter doesn't work here; nor Shift-Enter.
    I have used /n but it is kind of unpredictable. You can also edit the db.xml file for your campaign in Notepad++. Add /n or /n/n with no spaces before or after the text where you want the line break. You might need to find (Ctrl-F) the spell result phrase so you aren’t digging through tons of xml code.

    I am considering making all of the spell fields formatted text. It’s kind of a pain to go back and edit all of the spells in the core rules module, but it bothers me too. Same with the SP field for NPCs.

  5. #1155
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Update for 2025-01-29:

    [Fixed] Add random spells button generating script error.
    [Updated] Layout of campaign records with CoreRPG templates.

    It looks simple, but I changed a lot of the layout code and some associated scripts. Post here if you run into trouble, and I will fix it.

  6. #1156
    Yeah, I've been transposing Xcrawl Classics into Fantasy Grounds and the spell results are quite nuanced with bullet points and paragraphs. It would be nice but I understand the pain and suffering it would take.

    I can't tell you how much the "spell import" setup has saved me time and tears. Thanks for that!
    Last edited by Tabarkus; January 30th, 2025 at 01:58.

  7. #1157
    Bug under Skills. Script errors throwing every time I open the meta-data window on a skill. The skill window is not displaying the class level bonus.

  8. #1158
    Hey Leozelig, I noticed a display bug in NPC character sheets. See attached photo. When I create a new power for a creature the damage information doesn't display properly. When I copied the power over to the NPC sheet it displays properly. DCC display bug.png

  9. #1159
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Ruleset update 2025-03-01 (release 23):
    [Updated] Ruleset structure changed to use DCC/MCC core ruleset.

    It doesn't sound like much, but I combined the base ruleset into a common core for DCC/MCC, which is a significant change. I will keep a close eye on the forums and Discord server, so let me know if you have any problems.

  10. #1160
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Common core ruleset updates:

    [Fixed] Unable to add new casting table rows.
    [Added] Roll methods The Tatterdemalion's Gongfarmers and The Tatterdemalion's Heroes for generating ability scores. Description in dialog box.
    [Added] Character type icon at top of character sheet.
    [Added] Ruleset version field for NPCs. The MCC version hides the Deed Die fields and displays the AI Recognition field.
    [Added] Ruleset version field for occupations. The MCC version changes the Trained Weapon label to Starting Equipment and hides the Trade Goods field.
    [Added] Option to auto-roll deed/artifact bonus die (green die icon) with attack rolls. Default setting is 'Off'.
    [Added] Initiative bonus die for MCC compatibility. Functional but not required for the default DCC setting.
    [Updated] Weapon list uses attack and damage icons instead of text fields. Hover over button for roll description.
    [Updated] Two-weapon fighting mode directly changes the attack die in the weapon list for Melee weapons with Primary or Offhand designation.
    [Updated] Mercurial magic effect displays name only in power list. The full description is still visible in the spell record.
    [Updated] Mercurial magic effect displays in power list for spells only. This field is hidden for powers without group name Spells.
    [Updated] Layout for improved spacing of summary fields at top of Notes tab.
    [Updated] PC minisheet condensed into a single tab (intended for use with funnels).
    [Updated] Add Zero button in character list window includes options for DCC/MCC character type and roll method. Requires both core rules modules for full functionality.
    [Updated] Roll ability scores button on Main tab of character sheet opens dialog box to select roll method.
    [Updated] Full compatibility with MCC data. Programs are analogous to Spells, and the Artifact Bonus Die is analogous to the Deed Die.
    Last edited by leozelig; March 2nd, 2025 at 15:42.

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