1. #1
    *Neuro*'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Venice - Italy

    TRAP as NPC coding


    How do you code a trap as a npc?

    I want to make a trap in DCC with coding such as:

    Saving Throw DC 12 Vs. Reflex or take 1d3 damage.

    I can't find a way to place this that works in the SP field or maybe I should put it in the attack field.

    What is the proper coding? Is there a guide for this or an advice for DCC RPG?

    Neuronblaster GM on

  2. #2
    I create the trap as an NPC/monster and give it a "power" that causes the trap effect/damage.

  3. #3
    I flip through the NPCs to find something with a similar effect, then create a copy of it. Once you have a copy, you can unlock it and see how the formatting is set up. That's let me set up attack-like traps, such as falling rocks and fireballs. I haven't experimented yet with saves, but if there are any that use those then you could use them as reference.

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