1. #1

    Spell Not Rolling Saves When Setting Targets and Hitting Cast/Save Button

    Hey friends,

    Really odd behavior cropped up at the end of my session tonight. One of my players wanted to cast bane on three enemies. They control clicked the enemies to mark their targets, and pressed the button to cast the spell...and the spell just spit out a flat 13 in the chat log.

    Tried doing the same thing with just one creature at a time, still just displaying 13--not rolling not adding modifiers, and not testing against the creatures' saves.

    The spell is added to the Actions tab directly from the spell listing, and I even manually re-parsed the spell actions to make sure, but still having issues.

    Cleared all targets, and manually dragged the cast die onto the targets one at a time, and the normal saving throw behavior worked. Is there a known bug around this? I tried looking on the forums but think I failed my perception check.
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  2. #2
    Make sure that the roll targeting button on the upper left of the modifier box below the chat window is not disabled. This allows you to disable targeting for any action.


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