1. #1

    Help with 3.5 content

    I know this has been asked 700 millions times, but I still cannot wrap my head around it: How do 3.5e DMs play FG without modules, addons or content?

    Where are you guys getting the monsters from the 4 MMs? What about classes, items, prestige classes, etc? Is there ANY content going around? I'm looking to start a campaign with my players and they want to use classes and prestige classes from things like CWar, CWiz, etc., and I can't just say no because it isn't listed in FG.

    Is there really no other alternative than just coding it manually?

  2. #2
    No, there is no other method to get the D&D 3.5E data, because the publisher has not allowed that data to be licensed. We've asked probably a dozen times over the years.

    Most people just run Pathfinder 1E, which is almost the same game as D&D 3.5E; which has tons of book support, since the publisher does allow that data to be licensed and sold.


  3. #3
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soulcreek View Post
    just coding it manually?
    Just that so far; I personally only code those things manually which I need for my next campaign, then it is usually not so much and just a part of me preparing for my next game

  4. #4
    Morenu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soulcreek View Post
    I know this has been asked 700 millions times, but I still cannot wrap my head around it: How do 3.5e DMs play FG without modules, addons or content?

    Where are you guys getting the monsters from the 4 MMs? What about classes, items, prestige classes, etc? Is there ANY content going around? I'm looking to start a campaign with my players and they want to use classes and prestige classes from things like CWar, CWiz, etc., and I can't just say no because it isn't listed in FG.

    Is there really no other alternative than just coding it manually?
    Our group wanted 3.5 as well and we tried 5e (hated it, sry) and we tried 2E and enjoyed it but missed the IMO more fun aspects of 3.5. we went to PFrpg and absolutely love it. You want a classic 3.5 adventure? yes you would need to port it in yourself, or you could try getting a 2E adventure and use the Universal Mod extension and redu the encounters and treasure to fit PFrpg/3.5. I did this with White Plume mountain for my DM and if I ignore completely redoing the map using Dungeon Alchemist, it honestly wasn't that big of an issue. creating the 3 unique weapons was annoying LOL. also LOVE this site for making unique NPCs quickly (free up to Lv 5, but worth the $ if you use it a bit) Dingles Games

    If you want to see what a PFrpg can look like, hit me up on discord and I can load up a campaign and let you look around.

    OH, and If you do PFrpg, keep an eye on Humblebundle.com, as Paizo does bundles there 2-4 times a year. I have saved SO much money paying $35 for a bundle and then getting $100's in discounts on FG after linking my Paizo account here.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

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