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  1. #591
    PFS2 5-05: The Island of the Vibrant Dead SAT January 20th 6.30 PM UTC

    Tier 3-6.

    Please schedule around 4 1/2 hours for the game.

    About the scenario:
    A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.

    During routine study on the Maze of the Open Road, a lecture is interrupted by the old Pathfinder ghoul ally, Marcon Tinol. Through discussions with him, the Society learns that he and Drandle Dreng established an island haven in Azlant for ghouls wishing to live apart from humans, referred to as the Island of the Vibrant Dead. Marcon reports that a strange new ghoul named Ghessa has arrived on the island but her story about her death and undeath isn't adding up, leading him to fear that she may be up to something sinister. The PCs must travel to the island, where the residents maintain a ghoulish existence celebrating their undeath, and dig into Ghessa's story, as well as her trips into the vaults of the long-dead Arodenite priesthood.

    Written by Joseph Blomquist

    Scenario tags: Metaplot (Unfettered Exploration), Faction (Vigilant Seal)

    Signups through warhorn.

    *** Please do not discuss games in this thread - keep it for game announcements only. ***

  2. #592

  3. #593

  4. #594
    Sorontar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Manchester UK
    Hiya Folks - have PFS games now stopped on FG or have they been moved elsewhere? ��

  5. #595
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorontar View Post
    Hiya Folks - have PFS games now stopped on FG or have they been moved elsewhere? 🤔
    Like many things online, it has moved to Discord for communication and Warhorn for signups:
    "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it's difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine."
    - Abraham Lincoln

    83 % of made-up statistics use the number "83 %".

    For best results, don't fail.

  6. #596
    Sorontar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Manchester UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Malkavian_Andi View Post
    Like many things online, it has moved to Discord for communication and Warhorn for signups:
    Many thanks - I must have missed it on Discord - will take another look

    Will save the links

  7. #597
    Pathfinder Quest (Series 2) #20: The Dacilane Academy's Show Must Go On SAT January 18th 7 PM UTC

    Tier 1-4.

    Please schedule around 2 hours for the game.

    About the scenario:

    A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.

    The Dacilane Academy often calls upon the Pathfinder Society to get them out of trouble, or to aid their students. Considering that many Pathfinders enroll their children in the academy, the relationship is one of mutual benefit. It’s therefore no surprise when the academy calls upon the Pathfinders to help make sure nothing terrible happens during the play that the students will be performing at a nearby theater, the Muse of the Rose. Recently, performances there have seen unfortunate accidents. No one has been seriously injured, but the performances were all ultimately ruined. It's up to the PCs to ensure that the Dacilane Academy's performance doesn't suffer the same fate, even if the have to prevent disasters backstage during the show itself.

    Written by Lucas Servideo

    Scenario tags: All Ages, Repeatable

    Signups through warhorn.

    Pathfinder Quest (Series 2) #21: Infernal Infiltration SAT January 18th 9 PM UTC

    Tier 1-4.

    Please schedule around 2 hours for the game.

    About the scenario:

    A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.

    Some disgruntled citizens in Kintargo, who preferred things under Chelaxian rule, have stolen into some very sensitive information concerning the Pathfinder Society's trade dealings and routes. In the hands of enemies, this could put many agents at risk. Cheliax barely tolerates the Society on a good day, and if these thieves-who-would-be-spies can get the encrypted information into the hands of real Chelaxian intelligence operatives, Cheliax would likely relish its ability to do incalcuable harm. It's up to the PCs to infiltrate the theives' base of operations and steal the info back before these rabble rousers can send it off. Keeping things quiet will be key, though, as the heads of Supplies and Procurement definitely don't want to tip them off to what they really have.

    Written by Shan Wolf

    Scenario tags: Repeatable

    Signups through warhorn.

    *** Please do not discuss games in this thread - keep it for game announcements only. ***

  8. #598

    PF2 Adventure: The Great Toy Heist SAT February 15th 7 PM UTC

    PF2 Adventure: The Great Toy Heist SAT February 15th 7 PM UTC

    Level 2 pregens or your own level two poppet characters.

    Please schedule around 3-4 hours for the game.

    About the adventure:


    There's always someone up to no good in the Chelish capital of Egorian, and this time it hits a little too close to home! A corrupt banker discovered there was something magical about The Terrific Toyshop beyond just the magnificent creations within. Greedy and unprincipled, this wealthy noble found a loophole in the diabolically complicated laws of the city and exploited it to seize the deed to the toyshop and threaten to boot the toy maker and his lovely creations out on the streets. What are sentient toys to do in the face of such reprehensible actions? Break in and steal the deed back, of course!

    In The Great Toy Heist, you take on the role of one of four unique poppets—living toys with strong wills of their own. While your gentle creator is beside himself with worry, you and your friends enact a risky plan to save your home and livelihoods with stealth, subterfuge, and no shortage of luck!

    The Great Toy Heist is a short adventure for 2nd-level characters that gives players a chance to try out one of Golarion's rare ancestries. This adventure takes a band of poppet heroes on a dangerous mission to prove themselves and save their home—the very place that gave them life! The four pregenerated characters also provide a quick way to jump right into this exciting Free RPG Day adventure! Grab your friends, grab some dice, and play the role of Golarion's newest adorable heroes!

    Signups through warhorn.

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