1. #1

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    Ballston Lake, NY

    SWADE Ruleset 5.10.9

    Upcoming changes to SWADE

    I updated the vehicle window to use the newer controls. If anyone is using vehicle_main or vehicle_combat in an extension, make your changes now.
    The widget names remain the same. The widgets have been changed to the content versions, and the anchor changes from columnanchor to contentanchor.

    I added passengers to vehicles. If you use chillhelm's excellent 4C extension, you'll recognize this. It's now in the core rules.
    It uses the same nodes as 4C, so when chillhelm drops that from his extension, you won't lose passengers.
    I added a position field.

    This should release on Tuesday. If chillhelm hasn't updated his extension before then, you'll have to not load it. It's an easy change, so he'll probably have it done pretty quickly.

    This will be version in 5.10.9.

    Here's a screenshot.passengers.jpg
    Last edited by Mike Serfass; January 5th, 2025 at 02:03.
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

  2. #2
    Are you sure we won't lose passengers?
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  3. #3

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    Ballston Lake, NY
    In my tests I didn't lose passengers.
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

  4. #4

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    If you make extensions, there are new functions in VehicleManager. These are part of improvements to how vehicles are handled in the ruleset.

    getPilot(nodeVehicleCT) - get the pilot, checking CT and character owned vehicles.
    findPilot(nodeVehicleCT) - does a bit more discovery than getPilot to figure out who the pilot is
    getVehicleNodeChar(nodeVehicleCT) - gets the owning player vehicle node
    isPilot(nodeVehicle, nodeCT) - returns bool indicating if the character is the pilot
    getVehicleOccupyingCT(nodeCT) - gets the CT vehicle the character is in
    doesCharacterOccupyVehicle(nodeVehicleCT, nodeCharCT) - determines if the character is a pilot, gunner, or passenger, or is in the same CT group
    isVehicleSimple(nodeVehicleCT) - a simple, straightforward check if it's a vehicle
    getManeuverType(vVehicle) - gets a vehicle's maneuver type
    getSpeed(vVehicle) - gets a vehicles speed

    I also added

    NodeManager.childNodeExists(node, sField)
    CombatManager.areCombatantsInSameGroup(node1, node2)

    More information is on the functions in the code base.
    Last edited by Mike Serfass; January 5th, 2025 at 19:54.
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Serfass View Post
    In my tests I didn't lose passengers.
    Did you have any passengers?
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  6. #6

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    Yes, I did have passengers.
    My implementation uses the same nodes as 4C.
    When I had 4C active and my implementation, the passengers list twice.
    All that work is committed. You can pull it and test. More testing wouldn't hurt.
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

  7. #7
    Was this feature added?

    My SWADE version lists as v5.11.2, but I don't have a passenger field for vehicles. That's even true if I create a new vehicle.
    I do however have what I believe is a new, blank field immediately below Crew. There's no title description for that field, just a blank underline.

    [Edit] Actually, if I click in the Crew field, I get a pop-up displaying the text; "Number of crew plus and additional passangers vehicle can transport."
    Last edited by kronovan; February 11th, 2025 at 01:23.

  8. #8
    Have you tried dragging a character onto the word Passenger? Maybe it works like it did in Chilhelms extension
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  9. #9

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    The field on the Main tab under crew isn't the passenger list. It's a free-style field that allows you to enter whatever you like to track things not covered in the core rules.
    The passenger list is on the Combat tab under Mounted Weapons.passengers.jpg
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Serfass View Post
    The field on the Main tab under crew isn't the passenger list. It's a free-style field that allows you to enter whatever you like to track things not covered in the core rules.
    The passenger list is on the Combat tab under Mounted Weapons.passengers.jpg
    OK cool. I'll give that a try next time I have FGU running

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