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Thread: Dice Games

  1. #11

  2. #12
    Before I purchase this, quick question; is there anything embedded in that allows for PC Skill Checks? Or, is there room for me to make skill checks, for cheating as an example, and have that reflected in the games?

    Also, is there an easy way I can add my own games - such as the Critical Roll ones?

  3. #13
    damned's Avatar
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    They are dice games - they should be based on luck - maybe a little on strategy for some. There is no allowance for skill. Im not even sure how you would do that as there is no way to influence what the dice actually roll in FG.

    The dice games included are the ones in the description. There are 5 different games included.

    Fantasy Grounds does not have a feature where you roll dice that only you can see the result of so I doubt you can play the CR game.

    All the games require coding to make them work. You would have to write code if you want some sort of tracking or automation in your dice games. Otherwise just throw dice and track it as you go. Thats how we used to play Ship Captain Crew before I wrote this.

    Im pretty sure you can refund Forge products within a certain time period if you are not happy with it.

  4. #14
    Good point on the CR games. I've only had PC versus NPC, with me rolling in the tower, for now - but PC vs PC would be impossible within FGU.

    I will definitely be grabbing the extension, and thank you for it, as it's a great idea! However, I have a Fighter PC who is 'proficient in dice games' and would like to tip things in their favour somehow. If you, or anyone, can think of a good way to grant advantages in these games, please do let me know!

  5. #15
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Roll one more dice than needed and drop the lowest? You can set that in the quickbar with /roll 4d6d1 for example which will roll 4d6 and drop the lowest dice.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  6. #16

  7. #17
    damned's Avatar
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    It has been reported that some elements of 2 games dont work when the players perform the rolls.

    The two games are: Last Man Standing and Drunken Unicorn

    I am investigating.

  8. #18
    For PF1e, when the DiceGames extension is loaded, the Party Sheet's Inventory tab items are all messed up and we get console messages.

    Disable DiceGames and everything goes back to normal.

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