February 8th, 2025, 21:27 #1
LFP 5E - Need 3-4 Players for Legacy of the Crystal Shard Sunday Night 7-9:30pm EST
FG License: Ultimate - you only need free version
Game System: 5E 2014 (sorry no 2024 rules)
Time Zone: USA EST
Day of week and time: Sunday nights 7-9:30 pm
If new game, planned start date: March 9, 2025
Planned Duration & Frequency: 2 1/2 hours and weekly
Term: Depends but, I would think it will be at least a 4 month campaign
Text or Voice: Voice and video
Main Language used: English
Voice software used: Discord for video/voice
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? Quite possible yes. If you do not feel comfortable, I totally understand, but please do not apply
Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: Currently have 1, need 3-4 more players
Character starting level & equipment: Starting at level 1 with starting equipment
Character restrictions: 2014 PHB, Xanathar's and Tasha's only
Details of your scenario: You find yourself in the city of Luskan looking for some coin before the onset of winter. The most lucrative coin to be found is to join the last caravan to Icewind Dale. It is a 2-tenday journey to the great north. Just enough time to get there and back to Luskan before the passes snow over.
1. This party will be goodly aligned and are looking to save and benefit the region, no evil PCs or Murderhobos.
2. Play your character. It is a fantasy world, be someone else for a couple of hours. HAVE FUN! If for any reason you are not having fun or something is bothering you please feel free to reach out to me.
3. I will have potential players fill out a very short application. Just to see if we are a fit, if so, I will set up a quick meeting on Discord.
What kind of DM am I?
- I like to stick to the rules, for the most part. I will change some things up and if you would like to try something out, just ask. I may say yes or no.
- I like fights and designing battles to make it challenging for my players. Since I think most of these players will be newer to D&D I will be a bit more on the easy side, but it is a dice game, sometimes rolls happen. I reward ingenuity and will not penalize a player because they outwitted the NPCs. I am known for getting really low initiative roles. FGU hates me I think.
- I also like roleplaying and the PCs talking amongst themselves. Nothing better than resting my voice as the characters decide what to do or talk amongst themselves.
- The one thing I do not like is constantly repeating myself. I totally don't expect you to be engaged for the full 2 1/2 hours but please do not go afk without letting me know.
- As mentioned above I will try to stream this game and record it. The reason I record is I am not great at taking notes in game. For the recording and streaming you will not have to have your faces recorded. I will put up a portrait of your character instead. Still working through the logistics of this.
Sorry for the long post but, want to make sure potential players know they are getting into a fun, serious campaign.
If interested, please either send me a DM through FG or contact me through Discord at thedeception#0583.Last edited by The Decepticon; February 12th, 2025 at 20:04.
February 16th, 2025, 01:06 #2
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Hello and well met, I am a long time gamer (since 1980) and an old dude gamer. I am easy going and am missing the role in role playing lately (lots of murderhobos in my current RL group). I am interested in your game and am available on all Sunday nights (I am CST).
Let me know what you would like to know about my gaming history/play style and I will respond.
February 17th, 2025, 04:36 #3
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I would be interested
February 19th, 2025, 00:48 #4
March 7th, 2025, 04:22 #5
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- Mar 2025
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I pm you desperate to play
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