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  1. #1131
    Thanks for help! its was almost right, next code worked well

    function onInit()

    local nodeChar = window.getDatabaseNode();
    local nodeCharSheetMain = nodeChar.getParent().getParent();"nodeCharSheetMain: ", nodeCharSheetMain);

    local nodePath = nodeCharSheetMain.getPath();"nodePath: ", nodePath);

    local nFight = DB.getValue(nodePath .. ".Fight_current", 0);"nFight: ", nFight);


  2. #1132
    Hello again!

    have a little question about combat tracker.

    i used code for initrolls which i took from "Ruleset Wizard 014"

    (function InitHandler(rSource, rTarget, rRoll)
    local rMessage = ActionsManager.createActionMessage(rSource, rRoll);
    if (rSource) then
    local nTotal =;
    rCreature = DB.findNode(rSource.sCTNode);

    It works for GM, but did not for player. Do i need to use some sort of "msgOOB" to let players use initrolls by themself, or there is another way?

  3. #1133
    The PCs initiative is usually managed through the character sheet, using a linked field between the character sheet and the combat tracker, to avoid having to use OOB. If you want to do it from the CT you will have to use OOB.
    Ruleset Wizard
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  4. #1134

    Hope you can help me, I have a character sheet, it has a page with used items. There is a separate list of windows with the use of ranged combat, the player can carry several types of weapons. Depending on the use of skills, the character can use different weapon capabilities. There is a conditional option for automatic shooting, but it is possible only if the "Auto" parameter is greater than zero. I figured out how to check for the presence of the necessary skill, but I can't figure out how to make FG check for the presence of the "Auto" parameter for the weapon used. Weapons are implemented through (,, etc.), every weapon slot have personal button for shoot. Is there any way to implement a check for a separate item?
    Last edited by Koshaker; February 7th, 2025 at 16:56.

  5. #1135

    Quick question. I know an update or two ago ended up breaking some rulesets developed with Ruleset Wizard. There was a kerfuffle. I'm kinda thinking about buying a license to do a ruleset or two.
    Does everything work again now?
    I wrote a book about gods, monsters, and hopeless fights! And I'll do it again!

  6. #1136
    Quote Originally Posted by Koshaker View Post

    Hope you can help me, I have a character sheet, it has a page with used items. There is a separate list of windows with the use of ranged combat, the player can carry several types of weapons. Depending on the use of skills, the character can use different weapon capabilities. There is a conditional option for automatic shooting, but it is possible only if the "Auto" parameter is greater than zero. I figured out how to check for the presence of the necessary skill, but I can't figure out how to make FG check for the presence of the "Auto" parameter for the weapon used. Weapons are implemented through (,, etc.), every weapon slot have personal button for shoot. Is there any way to implement a check for a separate item?
    If I understand your description of the problem correctly, I think the easiest way would be to copy that “Auto” parameter when creating the weapon record in the character sheet, so you would have it along with the rest of the attributes of the weapon.
    Ruleset Wizard
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  7. #1137
    Quote Originally Posted by Muagen View Post

    Quick question. I know an update or two ago ended up breaking some rulesets developed with Ruleset Wizard. There was a kerfuffle. I'm kinda thinking about buying a license to do a ruleset or two.
    Does everything work again now?
    I am not sure what problem you are referring to, I have checked the development blog and have not found any reference to that error.
    In any case, the last update was quite some time ago and since then no user that I know of has reported any problems.
    Ruleset Wizard
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  8. #1138
    Quote Originally Posted by psicodelix View Post
    I am not sure what problem you are referring to, I have checked the development blog and have not found any reference to that error.
    In any case, the last update was quite some time ago and since then no user that I know of has reported any problems.
    Maybe I'm misremembering things, but I thought that sometime around FGU 4.5 a number of the rulesets built with Ruleset Wizard encountered issues with the changes to what was supposed to be referenced in the XML data. I see in your patch notes for RW that it's been brought in line with those changes, I think, but I just wanted to make sure.

    Thanks for the reply and directing me to the development blog!
    I wrote a book about gods, monsters, and hopeless fights! And I'll do it again!

  9. #1139
    Yes, well, when there are big CoreRPG updates things usually break in all rulesets, not only in those made with RSW, and they have to be updated. I make sure that the templates and the generated code are always updated to the latest version.
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