Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Created a New image (00 Test) and then dragged a map from the Asset to the new image window. XML is still offset.
    When I did the same, I got the same result. But I can confirm LoS/Light is fixed in the smaller maps if I open them from their links in the overview map.

    Light.png (left): Aasi with darkvision.
    The other img = Dragged from assets.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Tempered7; February 7th, 2025 at 11:06.
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  2. #12
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    It sounds like the XML data associated with the asset is not correct. I don't see any "images" in the campaign you posted; so assume you are adding from your FG Data folder or from a module.

    If you made the module; you'll need to check the module in the original development campaign to make sure everything is correct, and re-export.
    If you didn't make the module; please let me know where to find it.

    Also, please let me know which image file name you are trying to import.

    I sent you an email with links to both the development campaign and the exported module.

    So remember, this campaign/module has been in development for a long time, but I don't think that is the cause. Here's the full process.
    - Images imported into devl campaign images folder (assets).
    - Assets turned into Images/maps, LOS and lightning added.
    - Campaign exported to module
    - New campaign (Test UM01) created
    - module (Undermountain aka UM01.mod) loaded
    - Create new blank Image/map
    - Add Asset such as "Abandoned Sanatorium"
    - Verify how LOS elements are not in the correct location.

    So, it's probably important to understand the use case.
    (Almost) All the Assets already have individual Image/Map. But realize these are all bits and pieces of a larger map ("0 UM-01 Overview" which does not have LOS) to be used as encounters (while party progress is tracked on the big map use global mask).
    BUT, of course some folks want to be able to have one map as they explore the Undermountain. The method for doing this is to create a new map, add the asset for the entry point (say the Dry Well) and then keep adding from assets to this party map as they explore. With the Assets not having the correct LOS placement (or lights) this currently doesn't work.

    Note, another good map/asset to try is the Prismatic Storm one to see how lights are displaced too.

    Perhaps if I export all the metadata in the development campaign and add it to the images folder it will export/work? But as you can see, I've not yet had to do this so...

    Thanks Moon!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tempered7 View Post
    When I did the same, I got the same result. But I can confirm LoS/Light is fixed in the smaller maps if I open them from their links in the overview map.

    Light.png (left): Aasi with darkvision.
    The other img = Dragged from assets.
    Thanks, yep, this is the problem I'm hoping to solve

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  3. #13
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    I sent you an email with links to both the development campaign and the exported module.

    So remember, this campaign/module has been in development for a long time, but I don't think that is the cause. Here's the full process.
    - Images imported into devl campaign images folder (assets).
    - Assets turned into Images/maps, LOS and lightning added.
    - Campaign exported to module
    - New campaign (Test UM01) created
    - module (Undermountain aka UM01.mod) loaded
    - Create new blank Image/map
    - Add Asset such as "Abandoned Sanatorium"
    - Verify how LOS elements are not in the correct location.

    So, it's probably important to understand the use case.
    (Almost) All the Assets already have individual Image/Map. But realize these are all bits and pieces of a larger map ("0 UM-01 Overview" which does not have LOS) to be used as encounters (while party progress is tracked on the big map use global mask).
    BUT, of course some folks want to be able to have one map as they explore the Undermountain. The method for doing this is to create a new map, add the asset for the entry point (say the Dry Well) and then keep adding from assets to this party map as they explore. With the Assets not having the correct LOS placement (or lights) this currently doesn't work.

    Note, another good map/asset to try is the Prismatic Storm one to see how lights are displaced too.

    Perhaps if I export all the metadata in the development campaign and add it to the images folder it will export/work? But as you can see, I've not yet had to do this so...

    Thanks Moon!

    Thanks, yep, this is the problem I'm hoping to solve
    Metadata imported from v4.5 or should be fixed. Metadata exported in v4.6 will need to be re-exported.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl View Post
    Metadata imported from v4.5 or should be fixed. Metadata exported in v4.6 will need to be re-exported.
    So I never did a manual export of the metadata. This can be seen as their are no xml files in the development campaign. edit: so where is the module getting this info from?

    I can do that if needed, I assume the xml files should be saved to the campaign images sub-folder and then on module export they will be included?

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  5. #15
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    So I never did a manual export of the metadata. This can be seen as their are no xml files in the development campaign. edit: so where is the module getting this info from?

    I can do that if needed, I assume the xml files should be saved to the campaign images sub-folder and then on module export they will be included?
    I'll take a look at the files. This thread was about a bug importing metadata when creating new images from assets. I think I misunderstood what you were reporting.

  6. #16
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    I was able to identify an error when exporting some maps. I'll need to verify the fix does not introduce any new issues before I commit. Following that we need to repair the exported data. The maps themselves appear to all be intact. When creating an image from an asset, the occluders and lights are loaded from the exported XML file. Did you author the UM-01 module, or is it from some other source?

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl View Post
    I was able to identify an error when exporting some maps. I'll need to verify the fix does not introduce any new issues before I commit. Following that we need to repair the exported data. The maps themselves appear to all be intact. When creating an image from an asset, the occluders and lights are loaded from the exported XML file. Did you author the UM-01 module, or is it from some other source?
    It's my module. John should have a link to the campaign I used to develop it. Appreciate you looking deeper into the issue.

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  8. #18
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    It's my module. John should have a link to the campaign I used to develop it. Appreciate you looking deeper into the issue.
    I was able to commit a fix for the metadata export and it should be available when the next Release update is pushed to Live. I was able to re-export all of the metadata in the UM-01 module except for "Kobold Guard Post." The XML files are in the attached zip file. These XML files replace the ones in /UM01/images/
    Attached Files Attached Files

  9. #19
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pindercarl View Post
    I was able to commit a fix for the metadata export and it should be available when the next Release update is pushed to Live. I was able to re-export all of the metadata in the UM-01 module except for "Kobold Guard Post." The XML files are in the attached zip file. These XML files replace the ones in /UM01/images/
    Thank you Carl!

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