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  1. #361
    I’m not sure this is traveller specific but here goes …

    It would be great to be able to edit the money on the character sheets. The only way players can update the number of credits they have is to re type it, which is a pain in the neck.
    Same thing goes for the currency on the Party sheet.

    I recognise the currency obviously can only contain numbers, but is there any reason why one can’t edit it.

    Just in case I’m not expressing myself clearly, ..

    Example ‘to be’
    1) credits initially 235000
    2) spend 5000, so credit should now be 230000 , using the power of maths
    3) to do this, click in box and move cursor to left, delete the 5 and replace with a zero

    This may seem trivial compared to just re typing every time , but current need to re type is a pain
    (I hope this is an easy change - if non-trivial change, then probably not worth your time compared to bug fixing etc)

  2. #362
    This is a FG application level behavior of the number control, and not controlled by any specific ruleset. There are no plans to rework at this time.

    All the standard currency fields on the inventory tab are additive number fields; so you can drag numbers onto the field to adjust the number up/down. If you type "/die -5000" and press Enter in chat entry field; you can drag resulting number to the currency field to decrement by 5000.


  3. #363
    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    As Moon Wizard mentions, the currency fields on the Equipment tab are additive - you can use the /die command, or type a value into the modifier box and drag that to the MCr or Cr field to add/subtract from the field.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  4. #364
    Thanks both for your replies. The tips above will make things easier, thank you, and will give them a go later tonight when me and my friends next visit the Trojan Reach.

  5. #365
    I said it before and it probably needs repeating. We should have a shop extension that the GM could provide shop depending on players location. When a player is shopping the total amount are subtracted from the player cash.

  6. #366
    I have not tried it out in my Traveller campaign yet but Mad Nomad does have this extension for that:
    We do not stop playing because we grow old.
    We grow old because we stop playing.



  7. #367
    Not sure whether this is a bug or feature that is only partially implemented - I suspect the latter so am posting this here:

    Is there any way one can search items by sub-type? Clearly searches by Type work and the sub-types are used for weapons and armour through their respective buttons. It would make things like searching through Survival Gear a lot easier.

  8. #368

    Join Date
    May 2019
    Dorking, United Kingdom
    Is there a way of manually adding Critical Effects to a ship? Useful for already damaged ships being added to the Combat Tracker or for targeted attacks.

    Only way I have found so far is to drop damage in teh ship until I get lucky and get the hit in the location I want and then restore the damage and remove any other criticals

  9. #369
    Can the proper methodology for stun weapons damage be implemented?

    For reference from the Weapon Traits section in the CRB:
    Stun: These weapons are designed to deal non-lethal damage, incapacitating a living target rather than killing it. Damage is only deducted from END, taking into account any Protection. If the target’s END is reduced to 0, the target will be incapacitated and unable to perform any actions for a number of rounds by which the damage exceeded their END. Damage received from Stun weapons is completely healed by one hour of rest.

    Recently I noticed that the weapons with the Stun trait (which also had "stun" noted after the damage) were reducing all stats as if the weapon was doing full damage instead of only END damage. They also are not applying any kind of "incapacitated" or "stunned" condition on the target once their END is exceeded.

    While the second part (applying a "condition") might not be possible, it'd be nice if stun weapons performed per the CRB.

    FGU Ultimate License
    FG Discord: GravityBlade
    Time Zone: US Central (GMT -6)
    Running: Traveller (MgT2)

  10. #370
    - Ability to add weapons to vehicles

    - Vehicles in the combat tracker
    - I think the main combat tracker is the right place
    - players can use weapons
    - track damage
    - track armor

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