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  1. #1

    What is the best way to get started if I want to run a 4e campaign?

    There is a lot here in the forum but I cant even seem to find the basic stuff like how to properly code abilities powers effects or set up monsters. Thanks for any pointers!

  2. #2
    In most situations, the records are set up to enter the text as it is found in the books.

    For NPCs, the coding will attempt to parse the NPC actions into rolls automatically; when you hover over the roll text.

    For PCs, the coding will attempt to pull the rolls onto the PC sheet, when the powers are added to the PC Actions tab.

    Is there something specific you are trying to enter that you are having trouble with?


  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply. I found the Wiki (Thanks Joe) and am trying to start putting in NPC's (Monsters). The first one I am trying to enter is the Kobold Slinger from Keep on the Shadowfell. I seem to have the basic attack (M & R) but am having trouble getting the Special Shot to work.
    Specifically I am trying to get the ongoing 2 fire damage to be applied from the NPC sheet but I can figure out how to do it. I am having the same trouble getting the Glue Pot to apply the Immobilized effect. Basically I cant figure out how to apply effects from an NPC sheet...

  4. #4
    I guess I needed to exactly copy/paste the description from the text of the monster stat block and not use the coding from the Wiki.
    That got it to work!
    Kobold finished.PNG
    Last edited by DDySean; February 7th, 2025 at 06:02.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the help already JPG, any tips for building a database for 4e? (I used to have the whole thing parsed long ago but I misplaced those files with a computer crash a while back and no way to get it back. I wish I had been using it more, I am sure I would have made a backup copy).
    I suppose the best way to go is to just build what I need as I need it and slowly build the thing up.
    I am sure i will have more questions as I get more into this though...

  6. #6
    That's how I used to do it before the parser. Just build what I needed as I went.


  7. #7
    I am doing pretty well with entering monsters any advice on how to get players powers into FG?
    Specifically I went to enter the first power I came across in the PHB1, Dragon Breath. I copied over the information and it works but because of the way the power is described, including getting stronger at higher levels, it enables a bunch of extra buttons for rolling and damage that wont be needed until later. I tried putting the Increase info and special info into the Extra Info section of the power window but any text I put there dose not shop up anywhere when I open the power description window from the dragon icon from the power tab of a character. (As that was probably confusing, I am including a screenshot).
    Thanks for any help with this!

    Cancel that, Unless you have a better way. I realized if I clicked hit the gear icon I was able to remove the excess buttons (and in the future adjust the power for the increases there as well).
    Last edited by DDySean; February 13th, 2025 at 02:24.

  8. #8
    Just curious if you know of anyway to get the parcer still? Is it good for anything considering the Wizards web site that had all the info is gone?

  9. #9
    There's one on these forums that parses info from the old D&D 4E Offline Compendium libraries and a web one to parse characters from the character builder. Neither of these are super useful if you don't have those old programs, though, and wizards has definitely made things more difficult to find them by shutting down their old site.

  10. #10
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    London Calling
    try looking at the 4e discord, there's some great advice and help for getting data quickly into FG

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