5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #11
    Intruder's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    Lower NY State
    If you are looking for a 5e24 game session and you have a preferred day/time, tell me.
    My Campaign currently has 28 single session Quests ready to play! Solo or Group!
    More Quests are added as I make them ready.

  2. #12
    Intruder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Lower NY State
    Roster of players is now 6!
    New player entry session has been posted for today, Jan 8th.
    Build your character in FG Character Wizard and experience your first encounter with D&D 2024.
    Join a social hub and band together with other players to navigate a matrix of one-shot Quests or even play Solo!
    This Campaign allows you to play when you want, frequently or non-frequently.
    The first Campaign Arc will progress you from Levels 1-5, while the second brings you from Levels 5-9.

    DM GeorgeC

  3. #13
    Intruder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Lower NY State
    Player roster has reached 8! All of them are new players and are enjoying the Adventures!

    "Adventurers of the Forgotten Realm. A West-Marches Style Game"

    DM "GeorgeC"


  4. #14
    Intruder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Lower NY State
    Player roster now is 9!

  5. #15
    Intruder's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    Lower NY State
    The roster of players has reached 9 and a couple of them have reached 3rd level and are ready to begin Adventuring.
    Remember, this is a Campaign of player choice. You get to suggest the day and time of your sessions.
    Below is something I posted to our Discord chat.....

    "As a reminder.... 3rd level adventures happen when one of you request a day and time to play. Talk among yourselves and agree on the timing, I will do my best to make that session possible.
    Progression, from 3rd level on goes by XP gained, the way the rulebook states.
    Each adventure has successive goals and you can exit back to the village whenever you deem neccessary or when the session ends. The adventure remains static, enabling you (or some others) to start where you left off. There are many situations you can imagine that would fit this concept.
    The bottom line is you all can play a part in an adventure's resolution, it all hinges on your involvement in the organization of a party."

    "There are (2) 3rd level characters currently. After tonight there will be, maybe 4! The growth of this Campaign may seem slow, but it's normal, I did this once before and it's pretty much the same."

    "Pretty soon, there will emerge 1 player that will come out and start conversing with the rest of you. That will prompt someone else to do the same. Someone will actually suggest a day and
    time to play a session for their 3rd level character based on the (4) plot hooks I posted.
    A party will develop... it has happened before. The discord group I started over 10 years ago had more than 100 players. (It was free, ya gotta understand that.) There are 2 players left of a
    group of 6 that have been playing for all of those 10 years. They have recreated their character at least 4 times, starting over, and are currently 13th level. My wife joined that group, 2 years
    ago and we still play weekly."

    "This Campaign is designed with 2 sub-plots, Levels 1-4 and 5-8. It includes more than enough Adventure Quests to provide as much adventuring as you desire, and at your frequency and
    convenience. There are (8) level 4 end bosses and (6) level 8 end bosses. Your path will include 1 or more of each and it is possible that all of you could encounter a different one.
    At least that's the way I designed all of this."

    "At some point in the future, there will be 4-6 players with 8th level characters. They will be involved and dedicated, and they may want to continue their characters careers into higher
    levels. The cost ($) of doing that will be along the same lines as are currently reflected in StartPlaying.games and those players will be of the type that believes it is worth it."

    The link in the post above will always display sessions posted in a week or so, for D&D 5e one-shots using Fantasy Grounds. I am DM GeorgeC. Other sessions will list, one of them
    being from DM George, that is not me. If you do not see one of my sessions posted, just ask in this thread! Hope to see you there as new players!

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